
How to prototype marketing solutions

Making a big investment into solving a marketing problem is a giant challenge.  The risks are huge, the investment uncertain and the outcomes are unproven.

One way to overcome these risks is to do rapid prototyping.

Rapid Prototyping needs new adherents

Today I interview Joanne Jacobs, an expert in how to use this technique.

Talking work, hacking solutions and online engagement.

Joanne is an expert in rapid prototyping as a way for solving enterprise problems / challenges. She works for Disruptors Co.


01:00 Learning and showing by discussion 09:00 using and and Remo

11:00 Hacking for rapid prototyping – creating solutions to problems.

16:00 What is a problem worth solving? Preferably something you’ve tried and failed before. It must have a financial impact and have knock-on change benefits


20:00 How to set up contests – allow private conversations, collaboration around a screen or whiteboard. Overcome networking challenges.