Customer Reviews – what about the bad ones?
Reviews are essential for businesses building brand visibility online.
But bad reviews make my toes curl. Sometimes they are fair, sometimes not. What can the marketing team do about this?
Different pathways for different reviews
Treating different customers differently is a core principle of good CRM. But until the review is published, you won’t know whether the customer is going to give you a good or a bad review.
Take a look at this – an alternative pathway for your “less good” business reviews.
Make every review count
Starting from a review page set up within our software, your customer then moves down three possible pathways. If they give you a 4 or 5 star review, they arrive here.
And this is of course, the normal Google Business Reviews page.
If the customer selects a 1,2 or 3 star in the first screen they head off a different path, to this page. Where the review is captured and forwarded to the business. But the crucial difference it’s not on your public Google Business page.
The red square links to the Google Business page, so the customer can post a public review.
Sneaky or “allowable” marketing?
You choose – would you do this for your brand?
I have the contacts to set up this service for any business – get in touch.