Marketing using easter eggs
Little surprises that reward your customers are a really nice way of helping them to feel special.
Today I got a marketing easter egg from Seth Godin.

The benefits of careful reading
The message was short, barely formatted and it’s one I have waited a year to receive. Hidden in the fourth line was a surprise.
Don’t forget to look for the purple circle on the website to get the best price.
Seth Godin, The Marketing Seminar
…. and so I took a look.
It looked like a pretty piece of graphic art. But one of the circles had an embedded link. NICE….

How do you reward your loyal customers?
Sometimes I get frustrated when we make an offer and few people take it up. I think “That’s an AWESOME deal – why isn’t everyone paying attention and buying?” But I realise that I’m looking at it the wrong way around; I should be delighted that only the most savvy, the most loyal and most deserving customers are the ones who take up the offer.
I think of these as my “ultra-loyal” customers. They care enough to read. They don’t skip my messages and so I can give them a reward that others don’t take up.
Can you use an Easter Egg Marketing Strategy for your best customers?
Get insights into Seth’s thinking with his latest book This is Marketing – the course above is based on it.