How to find contact details on Linked In outside your network

You have read everything on our Resources page haven’t you?

Readers, you are in biz dev, you want leads for your business and you need to get contact details of key personnel in target organisations:  Have you read the B2B Lead Generation slidedeck?  It’s linked right there on the Resources page – top of the list.

Today we add in more goodness to that research process.

How to find contact details for someone outside your network

This is a fabulous process from Andy Foote’s blog.

LinkedIn makes money by limiting search. One of the most annoying restrictions is being unable to see Last Names on LinkedIn searches. Fortunately Google to the rescue. Here are step by step instructions on getting full name Profiles.

(1) Start the search in People. My example: “hr manager accenture”

(2) “Mary F” is the prospect but I need her Last Name. – Linked in will only show a limited profile because she’s outside my network.  But it does say that she is an Outsourcing Manager at Accenture

(3) Copy “Outsourcing HR Manager at Accenture Toronto Canada Area” into Google and click on the search icon.

(4) Bingo! Click on the Google Search result and you find the full name Profile (of Mary Frank).

How cool is that?

Read Andy’s full blog post of 5 Exceedingly clever LinkedIn hacks

Facebook marketing for a drink brand on a small budget

Wests NZ LogoWests New Zealand is a Dunedin based manufacturer of Cordials and Soft drinks. Wests have been producing beverages since 1876 and are currently in the process of spicing up their branding.  This includes the purchase of a new bottling machine that allows them to customise their bottles.

Creative Agency Secrets spoke with them to discuss ways they can improve their marketing efforts using the Wests NZ Facebook page.

Facebook marketing goals

Their goals for Facebook include increasing their followers and developing more consistent levels of engagement.

By improving their Facebook marketing they also hope to maximise the potential that this new bottling machine will create. They want to achieve this by generating excitement and anticipation amongst their customers before the new bottles come into circulation.

Because of the investment required for the new bottling machine, they are looking to be as cost efficient as possible with their marketing campaign.

By leveraging their already established Wests NZ Facebook presence they will be able to achieve these objectives with minimal costs.

Wests had already created a solid foundation of Facebook fans, but found that they had reached a standstill. They weren’t gaining new followers and they weren’t consistently keeping their reach and engagement at high levels.

Creative Agency Secrets recommends Building Social Engagement

We gave them some recommendations on how they could go about improving these statistics, which can also be used for their promotion of their new bottling machine:

  • Regular posting to help stabilise reach and engagement of their Facebook fans.
  • Utilising and 80/20 rule when thinking about posts. 80% are aiming to build engagement and the other 20% are marketing their own products and specials.
  • Be active on other group pages (mainly by sharing and liking posts) that are in their product or geographical area. This is to get visitors to these pages to also visit the Wests page.

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How a creative brand idea becomes a campaign

There is sometimes a bit of ‘black box’ magic that seems to happen when a creative brief turns into an executed campaign.

Some would have you believe there’s ‘secret sauce’ but the reality is that expertise and years of experience are the best predictors of what will be a success and what will fail.

English: Idea for Fundraising 2010 campaign.

Funding appeal by website


English: Idea for Fundraising 2010 campaign

English: Idea for Fundraising 2010 campaign.

English: Idea for Fundraising 2010 campaign

I am a Wikipedian Campaign

Take this series of images we found online.

This year, Wikipedia, Row2K and other community funded websites will be running a drive to raise funds.  We have supported Jimmy Wales’ appeal last year and we’ll be doing it again this year.

But compare the lovely, sharable images above with the rather bland appeal text which are on the  Row2K site.  Which would you rather emote and pay out to?
So part of the success depends on creative quality of input.That may be hard to measure, and it’s certainly rarely guaranteed.
But there are inputs that will raise your chances: Starting with using an experienced team for your marketing. Get your agency team members to show you their own work from previous jobs.  Ask how they came up with a campaign and what the “signal moment” was when the core creative idea was articulated.  It’s not rocket science and it’s rarely a single burst of genius – frequently team work and careful development from an initial concept delivers the goods.