Website appraisal – criteria for success
If you ask Creative Agency Secrets to help improve your website marketing, a good place to
start is with a website appraisal. You get a summary document of issues and recommendations for improvements.
So far, so good.
The number 1 problem with business websites
Let me tell you the one thing that over and over trips up our website appraisal – the site is created without having first answered these 3 questions.
- Who is it for?
- What is it about?
- What do you want visitors to do?
If you create a business website without first doing these 3 answers, the results will be haphazard.
Answering them will inform
- writing style
- keywords
- calls to action
- menu structure
- ancillary marketing (newsletter / brochures / case studies)
- blog categories, themes and post-types
I’ve just been asked to appraise a web page called “Why choose us?”.
Believe me, it was desperately hard, because the page did not answer the question in the title.
I am known for being straight-talking and as a result the report was frank – if the client had first done the thinking, then they would have a much clearer website page and I could have added much more value with more detailed recommendations. Without answers I could only guess the answers and the recommendations weren’t as full and complete as I would have liked.
Do your business website a favour today
Go and answer those 3 questions. NOW!
Signed: In grateful thanks – your marketing team
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