
Trying Out Twitter’s Promoted Tweets

We had a go at using Twitter’s “Promoted Tweets” service to advertise our upcoming marketing event on Facebook Ads Vs. Google Adwords, and found some pretty interesting results.

How It Works

Promoted Tweets on Twitter appear at the top of timelines for users matching a profile description you define…

promoted tweets

What We Did

With a $50 budget set, we drafted up a single Promoted Tweet with a link going straight to our event registration page. The Tweet read:

cas twitter ad

Then we targeted the campaign to 4 specific locations within New Zealand and Australia along with setting particular marketing and business interests. You can also add ‘sample twitter accounts’ which the campaign models targeting from (pretty neat!).

How It Went

First, the campaign statistics:

  • $48 spent.
  • 10k impressions made.
  • 84 interactions reported (82 clicks on the ad, 1 reply to the ad, 1 follow from the ad).
  • 13 clicks recorded on the link used.

So how did we feel about it? Overall, it wasn’t a wildly successful campaign, but then again neither was our budget. We got 13 clicks recorded on the link we used and since we launched the campaign we gained an additional 10 attendees (granted this was during our mailing campaign as well). It appears that the campaign made a ripple of interaction and engagement but in the end you may want a bigger budget to really hit your mark.

If indeed we did get 10 attendees from this campaign, and we then get a single client out of this free event, we will have made our money back and then some.



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