Entries by Sudip Mutt

How Marketing Automation Can Help Your Business Long Term

Market automation is a technological process that streamlines as well as provides visibility into the marketing activities of a business. It is an assortment of tools, processes, and workflows, where the tools are used to automate the commonly repetitive tasks. While marketing automation is highly important in producing and nurturing new leads, for long-term business […]

How To Measure Your Marketing ROI

In every marketing campaign, knowing the Return on Investment or ROI allows entrepreneurs to make decisions that determine their business success. Therefore, it’s fair to say learning how to measure your marketing ROI helps you assess if your business is on the positive side of the equation. The concept behind ROI is not so simple. […]

Keyword Search Simplified – 3 Ways You Can Find the Right Keywords to Siphon Traffic From

Whether in content marketing or a Google AdWords campaign, the role of keywords cannot be underestimated. It’s one of those things some people are quick to ignore, but which could very well spell the end for business. To that end, you need to be working overtime to find the right keywords for your campaigns. Unfortunately, […]

Digital Marketing Strategies You Need to Try

Digital marketing is now a fully-fledged, accessible, gigantic industry – dabbled in by most companies across the world. From humble beginnings, it’s taken some twists and turns on its way to ubiquity – and now, it’s something that’s developing and changing in ever-increasing spirals of complexity and competition. In order to stay ahead of the […]

The Best E-Commerce Platforms

E-commerce is rapidly becoming one of the fundamental components of a monetized internet, and it is important to understand that it is an area that is constantly in a state of flux. Your traction in the e-commerce world depends a lot on the kinds of technology you are equipped with. Choosing the right e-commerce platform […]

6 Ways To Successfully Grow Your Business

Growing your business can be challenging if you do not know where or how to start. Your financial survival depends on it, but what are you doing to grow your enterprise? Growing your customer base is one solution, but how do you attract more customers? What will convince people to purchase products and services from […]

How Online Fantasy Sports Companies Market Their Platforms?

Online fantasy sports are experiencing huge growth and are even rivaling online betting platforms. For those who don’t know, online fantasy sports platforms allow users to create fantasy sports teams and join competitions to potentially win cash prizes. For example, users can create their own NBA basketball lineup packed full of stars such as LeBron […]