Entries by Creative Agency Secrets Team

Business & Marketing Tip: Following up with leads and relationships

A mutually beneficial client winning strategy Marketing education is a big part of our overall new business strategy. At Creative Agency Secrets we strive to find ways to connect with our potential clients and be a part of their marketing success whether they work with us or not. We hold complimentary marketing management and idea […]

Creating Direct Share Links: Share Link Generator

The other day we were sitting here creating a Google Form survey and thought “gee I wish we could embed some way for respondents to share this survey!”. Well, one quick Google search later and we came across Share Link Generator. What as Share Link Generator? Quite simply, Share Link Generator is a tool that […]

Get your business started with SnapChat marketing

Ever thought SnapChat wasn’t suitable for brand marketing?  Think again – there’s now a clever desktop dashboard which brand managers can use to drive communications through this popular channel. So what is SnapChat? SnapChat doesn’t want to be called social media. Instead, they describe themselves as content editors and artists, not for clicks and shares. With […]

Amanda Wikstrom, the Intern

My name is Amanda Wikstrom and I´m a marketing student from Sweden. I’m here at Creative Agency Secrets for a 3 months internship which is included in my education. In May I will finish my third year of Marketing and be graduating which I´m really exited about. But first I want to learn more about marketing […]

CCH iFirm Web Manager | Advanced User Tips

Throughout our marketing activities with a number of accounting firms, we’ve become quite proficient in using the CCH iFirm Web Manager. So we’ve bundled all our best Advanced User Tips into one easy eBook. If you are not confident using HTML (hyper text mark-up language) – the programming language behind most websites – then don’t […]

Autoresponders Email Marketing – A Good Example

We recently visited GetSpokal.Com and were pleasantly surprised when we received 3 spaced apart automated emails after signing up to their newsletter. This is a brilliant example to show you Autoresponder Email Marketing done right. Not to mention their service description landing page is magnificent. Here are the autoresponders we received… Autoresponder Email 1: intro and thank […]

FREE eBook: Cold Emails – Doing it right and netting yourself leads

Email is a vital tool to growing your business. It’s non-invasive, interactive, and most of all – integral to business communications, so often get noticed. One way to use email is through cold emailing, which is emailing to people you don’t know. It can come across as underhanded, but when done correctly it’s a marketing practice that shouldn’t be […]

Christmas Campaigns That Shine

Christmas campaigns may seem like a gimmick, but they work. That’s because it’s a time of year where people are looking to buy and as a result, customers are far more communicative. Look reactionary by planning early Planning early has many benefits. For example, you don’t want to get a campaign stopped behind bureaucratic doors and miss your chance […]