
podcast, economy watch, interest co nz, David Chaston, NZ Economy

Another Podcast launched

Today we announce the Economy Watch podcast by has launched. It’s a daily summary of the key overnight news that affects the New Zealand economy.

Short podcasts for news

In scoping the content and audience for this podcast, we decided that a short format podcast was a good choice. Listeners are on their way into work and can catch a 6-10 minute update quickly during their commute to work.

Authored by David Chaston, Editor and voiced by me (Rebecca Caroe), we are really pleased with the early listener feedback.

Please go and listen and tell me what you think. Appreciate it!

Tongue twister podcasting

Now here are the things I’ve found hard to say coherently in the episodes so far. See if you can spot them in the audio

German government bonds sold at a record low yield overnight. They sold 10-year Bunds [bund / bond]

India imposed higher retaliatory tariffs [why was retaliatory so hard?]

China’s Central government coffers [coffers was the issue here]

at the Japanese-hosted G20 summit [not sure why I can’t say summit]

Amplify Podcast logo

Amplify Podcast features Rebecca Caroe

The blogging concentrated team runs the Amplify podcast and invited me on as a guest last week.

Amplify Podcast logo

Amplify Podcast logo

We talk about bookmarking services – our favourite ways of saving and sharing web links and also tech companies in #Dunedin.

Listen to the Amplify Podcast episode (25 minutes).

Why appear on Podcasts?

I was curious about how the Blogging Concentrated team used podcasts and other podcasters as an active part of their marketing promotion strategy and tactics.

Dan Morris told me that by approaching podcasters and getting featured on their shows it helps them reach new audiences.

Like Creative Agency Secrets – there are a large potential audience who would like to use our marketing advice but cannot afford to pay or would prefer to implement the marketing themselves.  Offering a podcast with tips and advice is a great way to serve this part of your audience.

We have three offers for Creative Agency Secrets – everyone fits into one of these groups.

  • I want free marketing advice
  • I want to be trained or coached in how to do marketing
  • I want marketing to be done for me


Creative Agency Secrets Apple icon

Our entire website is structured around pathways to guide the reader into one of these.  Click the apple and orange image on our home page and explore for yourself.