
4 simple (yet effective) ways to drive traffic to your eCommerce site

In eCommerce, the amount of traffic that comes to your site is going to determine your overall success. After all, if you don’t have anyone coming to your site, you can’t possibly generate any sales.

Unfortunately, launching an eCommerce shop is easier than ever these days — and people know it.

As a result, the competition is only getting tougher, and standing out enough to convince people you’re the brand they should trust is proving to be just as difficult.

In fact, 61% of marketers claim that generating traffic and leads is their top challenge, and only 22% of businesses cite satisfaction with their conversion rates.

So, there seems to be a lot of work to do.

But driving traffic to your online store doesn’t have to seem impossible.

In this post, we’ll share with you some of the best ways to generate more traffic (and high-quality leads) to your eCommerce shop.

So, let’s get started.

Evaluate Your Current Traffic

The only way you can successfully drive more traffic to your eCommerce shop is first to determine just how much traffic you’re currently getting.

One of the best ways to do this is to sign up for a free Google Analytics account and connect it to your online store so all sorts of helpful data, including site traffic, can be tracked and monitored.

Audience Overview

Audience Overview

If you go to Audience > Overview, you can get a great idea about how much traffic your site sees on a regular basis.

Also, check out metrics such as:

  • Users
  • New Users
  • Sessions
  • Sessions per User
  • Pageviews
  • Pages/Session
  • Average Session Duration
  • Bounce Rate

And this is only the beginning.

If you really want to gain a deeper understanding of your customers’ purchasing journey, learn how monitoring cross-channel reports in Google Analytics can reveal how people behave as they switch between eCommerce channels.

You can also check out tools such as SimilarWeb and Alexa to learn about not only how much traffic your eCommerce shop sees, but how popular your site is, where site visitors are coming from, and what search engines people use to find you.

Alexa Traffic Ranks

Alexa Traffic Ranks

How to Drive More Traffic to Your eCommerce Shop

Now that you have a good idea where your site stands in relation to others, and how much traffic you’re currently getting on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis, it’s time to look at ways to ramp up your efforts to get more.

1. Invest in Google Ads

One of the fastest ways to drive more traffic to your website is to pay for it. And it just so happens that Google Ads (previously known as Google AdWords) is an easy way to do just that.

Create ad campaigns that display in Google search results whenever someone searches for a term related to your ad.

Google Ads

Google Ads

When someone sees your ad and realizes you offer what they’re looking for, they’ll click on your site and check you out.

Not only will you get paid for every click your ads receive (yay for site monetization), you’ll reap the benefit of the added traffic.

And, since the person clicking your ad saw something they liked, the chances of them making a purchase once on your site are much higher than someone who just happened to come across your website.

2. Ramp Up SEO Efforts

Understanding the role SEO plays in driving traffic to your site is crucial to your success.

If you don’t focus on SEO, you run the risk of two things happening:

  1. Showing up in the wrong results. You might rank well in Google search results, but if it’s in results that have nothing to do with your online store, no one will click to visit. And even if they do, they’ll abandon your site immediately when they realize you don’t have what they need.
  2. Not ranking well. You might show up in relevant search results, but if you haven’t done your keyword research, chances are high you’ll end on page 2, or 3, or worse. Since 95% of all web traffic goes to those on Google’s first page, you’ll have no one clicking on your site to visit.

If you notice that your eCommerce conversion rates are low, check out these SEO best practices that will help you show up in the right search results so better leads land on your site and buy:

  • Include keywords in your online shop and blog content
  • Externally link out to authoritative sites
  • Create a Google sitemap so your online store indexes properly
  • Add keyword rich product descriptions to all images
  • Include detailed meta descriptions
  • Internally link to your own website, so Google indexes everything you have

And lastly, optimize your eCommerce shop for speed and performance.

Monitoring your site’s desktop and mobile speed is easily done using Google PageSpeed Insights.

PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights

See how fast your pages are loading and receive recommendations from Google for optimizing further.

After all, even a 1-second delay has the potential to derail your site’s conversion rates by as much as 7%.

3. Submit Guest Posts

It’s likely you know who your biggest competition is.

And, while it’s natural to want to beat them when it comes to traffic, conversions, and sales, sometimes it’s a good idea to network with your competition too.

One great way to expose your brand to a broader audience, and drive more traffic to your site, is to scope out industry leaders in your field and ask if you can submit a guest post on their website.

Doing this does many things:

  • Gives you the opportunity to offer their audience a solution they may not have
  • Shows people you too are an industry leader
  • Gives you a chance to include backlinks to your website within the content
  • Nets you an author profile that links back to your website
  • Allows you to interact with a new customer base in the comment section and on social media when the post goes live and people engage

Although guest posting is a time-consuming thing, the benefits you receive are tremendous – including the fact that it helps you drive a whole new group of people to your store to buy.

4. Add Video Content to Facebook

We all know that social media plays a vital role in most marketers’ lives.

But what you may not know is how powerful Facebook advertising can be in the digital marketing world when you add video content to your arsenal:

  • By 2020 video ads are expected to account for nearly 80% of all internet traffic
  • Facebook is the number one social media channel for video content, including ads
  • 4x as many customers state they’d rather watch a video about a product than read about it


If your target audience is found on other channels such as Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube, you can expect the numbers to be similar, even if on a smaller scale.

Using social media and video content helps build brand awareness and drive traffic to your online store in ways many other marketing efforts can’t.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re a startup looking to build brand recognition, or an established online retailer looking to grow your business, you’re always going to face challenges when it comes to driving traffic to your eCommerce site.

Luckily, there are many ways you can help increase traffic, conversions, and sales on your site.

All it takes is using some of the above-mentioned tips and tricks. Trust us, with enough focus you’ll see your numbers continue to rise, along with the quality of your leads.

Email list, marketing permission, contact options, GDPR

A nicely written GDPR email

Today I received a GDPR email message from a LinkedIn connection – we are 1st degree connected.  But because he’s in Europe, all his written electronic mass communications are now governed by GDPR – the European Union legislation General Data Protection Regulation.

The full email is reproduced below.  Here is my analysis of why it’s such a nicely composed text.  If you are in B2B marketing, I recommend taking a close look and deciding if this sort of annual review of your mailing list is appropriate.

Because we pay (mostly) for our email mass communications in a monthly fee calculated on the size of our mailing list, it’s worthwhile doing a “cull” to remove people who are either not reading your messages (since Gmail introduced the tabbed viewing this has increased for my list)  or those who are no longer relevant to you or vice versa.  It keeps your messaging tight and focused.

6 direct mail copywriting tips

  1. The opener explains why – in large font.  The subject line is “Why did we connect in the first place?” so I was intrigued to open it.
  2. The addressee (me) is personalised.
  3. The four points summarise Paul’s brand offering and gives me more reason to check out his current work.
  4. Then he justifies continuing to mail me post-GDPR (not sure I buy this – but points for trying)
  5. He gives permission to unsubscribe and suggests reasons why I should do this.
  6. Lastly, in the footer he reminds me to update my LinkedIn contact preferences – a very nice touch

So here’s his article in which he explains what IDK means and here’s the list management options for future communications showing my selections.

I think this is clear and totally appropriate.  Get in touch if you’d like me to review your mailing list strategies.

Email list, marketing permission, contact options, GDPR

Email list marketing permission options

The Full Email Text

Rebecca, You are receiving this email because we are 1st. grade connected on LinkedIn.


“I did not have time to write a short note” sic. Mark Twain The words appeared in a letter [JRMT] 1871 June 15, Letter from Mark Twain to James Redpath, Elmira, New York

  1. Was it because my profile caught you attention, or was it something in my Company  page which appealed to you?
  2. Was it one of my groups on Business Development or Logistics Collaboration that inspired you?
  3. I know …it’s my management books drew you over the hurdle, and gave you courage to send me an invitation!
  4. Or you wanted to network and reach out to bring your services or product under my attention.
Good because Linked-In delivers leads!

We are lost without connections!
Sic. Owen Jones

All good reasons and fine with me…, as these are my reasons too.

By connecting 1st grade you signed-in = pre GDPR opt-in – when accepting the connection request.
Your connection is as valuable to me as exchanging a business card containing all contact data during a life network event. A licence to contact… by phone, fax (I still remember), mobile phone (now WhatsApp), mail … This in order to set-up a business deal, meeting (now virtual) and social event… stay in contact.

And which is more, exchange or reach out for knowledge, an introduction, bring articles, whitepapers, books – all now with e- extension – which added to our success to each other’s attention and use. Shortcutting the learning curve, avoiding pitfalls, grow faster.

It is cumbersome to maintain contact with your network (it contains the verb …work) so here is how I do it: I am a giver – the golden rule in networking: give and not expect to be given – by sharing courtesy content, summits, introductions…. Proper GDPR set-up in place to safeguard and cherish our contact.

When your interest, position, business evolves, it is okay to: * Unsubscribe * or hit the * No longer interested *,  * Unspecified * , * Other * (a reason appreciated) tab. No hard feelings!

But don’t throw * Did not sign up * back at me because you did  – pre- GDPR – check your linked-in connection list.

It gets worse  with * Inappropriate content *: how am I supposed to know things changed when you are not telling me, your once 1st linked-in chosen contact, what changed, what your interests are today… so Update your preference.

Have we lost the art of 1to1 communication?

Do not *S.s.s.s.p.p.p.p.a.a.a.m.m.m.m.m.m.* me.
I for one will never do that. Never!!!

Next time before sending: IDK * Think 2-ice .. Here is Why 

Having said this, I rest my case with respect for your decision and the consequence that our 1st connection will be discarded.

Best Personal Regards,
Paul Van den Brande
Co-Managing Partner

—We Never Forget You Have A Choice —


You are receiving this email because we connected on LinkedIn.

Our mailing address is:

Noble House Group

Max Hermanlei 74a

Brasschaat 2930


Add us to your address book

–We Never Forget You Have A Choice! —

Your GDPR safety requires you to update your preferences

GDPR Contact Paul Van den Brande –
Your data will never be shared without prior information.
You can change your mind at any time using the unsubscribe from this list
No hard feelings!

Design an Office for Millennials and They Will Come

If it feels like millennials rule the workplace, it’s because they do. By 2030, they’ll make up at least 75% of the American workforce. Millennials are often critiqued for being entitled and having overly high expectations, but performance marketing expert and entrepreneur Eyal Gutentag believes that companies would do well to rise to their demands as it will only make them a more high-performing business in the long run. But first you need to attract millennials to you, and their discerning interests cover everything from corporate culture to office design. So, while you may not be able to change everything overnight, here are some design suggestions to enable you to work towards a more millennial-friendly environment.


Far from wanting their own desk, millennials want the freedom to work where they like within the office – whether that be with a table full of people, on a desk for one, or even on the roof. Make sure you have power sockets and USB ports everywhere as you never know where they might want to gather inspiration.


You might not have the biggest office space, but if you can create natural light and space with what you do have, you’ll stand out from the crowd – think huge floor-to-ceiling windows. But if that’s unrealistic, there are many light solutions that recreate an outdoorsy feel.


Millennials aren’t your typical nine-to-fiver – they pull all-nighters, they sit down for hours, and they’re restless. They’re looking for comfort: an office space they can chill out in when they take a break, ergonomically designed furniture – free food and drink, even.

With a little bit of thought, you can create an innovative, fun, and creative work environment in which any millennial would be proud to work. And if you’re stumped for ideas, turn to social media as it is ripe with design inspiration from the audience themselves.

Digital Channels for Sponsorship

Getting digital marketing sponsorship right is a challenge.  Activations using digital channels depend on robust messaging strategies and careful persona creation.  In this presentation we have a case study from Air New Zealand and Akzo Nobel Volvo Ocean Race which you can adapt to your needs.

Rebecca was speaking on the topic of digital channels for sponsorship at the Conferenz Sponsorship Summit and NZ Marketing Summit joint event.  Here are the slides and a video of my keynote.


Thanks to Lana Mihelcic who kindly shot the video for me.  Connect with her if you want a dynamic sports event manager or have contacts in sailing and The Americas Cup.

Instagram B2B, Business marketing using Instagram,

Tips to increase your B2B Instagram followers for better long term success

Tapping Into Instagram: Increasing Your B2B Followers

Instagram B2B, get B2B instagram followers, Creative Agency Instagram, social media agency New Zealand

Instagram for business

With the above in mind, it’s important to remember that increasing your B2B Instagram followers is more than just finding the best way to “appeal” to your market. Rather, you should start learning how exactly you can tap into the interests of B2B presence on Instagram and using that to your advantage. Thankfully, getting “the hang” of this process can be trained. Here’s how it works:

  • Buy Instagram followers to offset growth: This is a temporary strategy, but it might work to get you a headstart. While you’re planning for better ways to pursue your followers, you can actually avail services that acquire followers for your resources. This is a good way for you to at least have a support system in place so you won’t risk losing your followers when you try a new strategy. Remember, though, that this isn’t a permanent solution. It’s best to tackle this matter as a worst-case scenario or a short-term solution, but never as something you should rely on. It’s still important to learn how to actually gain followers in an efficient and natural way, In speaking of,
  • Prioritise investments towards organic growth: A lot of marketers measure the success of their social media campaigns based on the number of likes, shares, or engagements they acquire over the shortest period of time. While this does display efficiently, it’s not quite the practical approach to build your branding. Remember that branding takes time, and as such gaining brand attraction needs time as well. You should gear your campaigns towards getting long-term followers, not short-term ones. Make sure your hashtags and keywords are easily-recognisable and remembered. Also, make sure your initiatives and campaigns are easy to remember.
  • Add humanity to your brand by doing community projects and socialising: Make sure you use positive visuals when you create Instagram posts, as displaying your service, products or brand involved in positive action can greatly boost appeal to you. For instance, if you go for action-oriented pieces such as cute animals, holiday destinations, or anything that shows a story, it’s likely that people will grab their attention. Make photos you can make stories revolve around them, that way you have a way of engaging your consumers and encouraging them to talk with you and have conversations with them.
  • Encourage your users to interact with you, but don’t be pushy: You can also try to encourage your users to interact with you without being pushy. You can start by making a particular hashtag trend among your brand employees and to encourage people to use that hashtag to share their stories. Give them a reason to be encouraged and motivated to participate in your campaigns by involving them, as it’s a powerful tool to secure brand followers. Make sure your initiatives always have space for you to interact with your customers.
  • Get your hashtags primed and ready: When you want to pursue better followers for your Instagram page, you’ve got to remember that #hashtags are where it’s at. However, don’t just rely on what hashtags are currently trending. Try to tap into hashtags B2B companies in your niche will use as well – and you can often do this by doing proper keyword assessment. Search for keywords that rank high but aren’t used as much by your competition. Tap into those keywords and try combining them with hashtags that actually trend. That way, you can tackle both attracting natural Instagram followers and those searching the internet and happened to stumble upon your page.
  • Always remember to keep track, assess, evaluate, and adjust your parameters: One of the fatal flaws in making any strategy in any business is that a lot of higher-ups tend to stop assessing the moment they started to see success. This shouldn’t be the case. Regardless of the performance of your campaigns, be sure to always have systems in place that promote assessment and evaluation of performance. This can be through regular meetings, weekly submission of reports, or even having a software with easy-to-access analytics. This puts you in a position of advantage as you’re always going to be able to assess your performance so far and make adjustments as needed.

The Takeaway: Tapping Into Instagram, Social Media For Long Term Marketing

With the above tips in mind, it’s important to remember that Instagram is actually more than just a platform for fancy images. It’s actually quite a powerful platform to reach your clients and audiences from an aesthetic standpoint – and a lot of successful marketing pushes nowadays do rely on the creative and innovative use of graphics. With this in mind, it’s important you remember and take note of the tips above in order to gain traction with your B2B campaigns, and get more customers in the long run.

6 Ways To Successfully Grow Your Business

Growing your business can be challenging if you do not know where or how to start. Your financial survival depends on it, but what are you doing to grow your enterprise?

Photo by Alesia Kazantceva on Unsplash

Growing your customer base is one solution, but how do you attract more customers? What will convince people to purchase products and services from you as opposed to someone else?

Scaling a business is difficult, but the following steps and strategies will help you.

1. Innovate Your Product or Service

The products and services that you are creating should be innovative and unlike anything else that exists on the market. It will take some trial and error, but don’t be afraid to take risks if you are creating a new product.

Ask yourself whether or not this meets a need in society, and how it is different to everything else that exists in that marketplace.

2. Know who your customers are

 Outline who your customers are from the start because every product or service you are developing will be targeted at this individual.

Remember to ask for customer feedback, and listen to it. Good customer service will create loyal consumers that will spread the word about your company to their friends and family members.

3. Use social media to your advantage

Social media offers you the possibility to communicate with your customers on a daily basis. You can receive insight into your target audience, and find out more information about their behavior and purchasing habits. There is no easier way to attract new customers than through posting quality content and engaging with them online.

4. Network and build relationships

Attend industry-relevant networking events that will allow you to build relations with key players in your market. This could include customers, clients or investors.

5. Protect your reputation

 Your company’s reputation is essential for strong employee relations, for customers to purchase products from you and for clients and investors to trust you.

You should remain transparent and be realistic about the promises you are making to the general public. You should be able to deliver on them, after all.

Do you know what to do if your reputation is brought into question? What if one of your employees makes a fraudulent injury claim, and they are demanding an excessive amount of compensation for it? Look for red flags that would state the injuries are fake; such as exaggerated pain from minor scratches, and contact the legal injury attorneys at Charleston Law to represent you.

6. Research the competition

Know who your competitors are so that you can create products and services that are different. How do they market to their customers? What do they price their products at? Learn from their mistakes to improve your own performance.

Growing a business takes effort and it can be mentally exhausting. No successful enterprise was built overnight, and no one said it was easy, but with strategic oversight and dedication, you will start to notice results. All of your hard work will pay off when you see your business steadily growing and generating more profit as time goes on.


Shelly Davies book, sweary

“Hey Y’all…” Shelly Davies book launch

Join us for the Auckland launch of Shelly Davies’ new book – Good Shit I’ve Learned.

Shelly Davies book, sweary

The unexpurgated version

Shelly Davies book, swear words excluded

No swearing in this version

Yes, She is a REAL WOMAN who swears not just for emphasis, but because it communicates meaning.


Rebecca and Shelly have danced around each other’s online profiles and commenting on things for at least a couple of years. And this is our first party we’re hosting together.

You might have heard… Shelly wrote a book! It’s so good that Creative Agency Secrets want to help her sell a few copies AND get you facetime with the raw, sensible life-advice which is cram-packed into this volume.  We”re organising a book launch – more on that below and link to get tickets.

** When I read the book, I knew I wanted to give copies to my friends – it’s that sort of a book. **

You know how you sit around with wise girlfriends and guyfriends and talk shit and love on each other and share cool stuff you’ve learned and just generally lift each other up, because, #love? That’s what this book is – a collection of good shit I’ve learned, that brings me joy, and has helped me become, well, ME. And I hope it’ll help you become more YOU.

This event ticket INCLUDES a copy of Shelly’s book – but wait – there are 2 versions……

Oh and FYI… YOU who’s cringing at her potty mouth…. Shelly has a NON-SWEARY VERSION. So don’t be put off – she thought of you!!  The book will be RELEASED on 22 September and costs $38.87 at bookstores. Your ticket price includes a FREE copy of the book (did I mention this already?).

So choose your ticket carefully because one gives you the warts-and-all sweary version of “Good Shit I’ve Learned” by Shelly Davies and the other ticket gives you the nicely-tidy-no-swear-words version of “Good Stuff I’ve Learned” by Shelly Davies.

And just bring a friend with you – or your teen child – or your auntie or business partner. They will thank you. I promise.

Who should attend?

Women. Women in business, women wanting to advance their careers, women who know that being self-aware is the pathway to freedom, success, joy.
Men. Men who work with women. Men who are challenged by the #MeToo and want to understand and not look like an idiot, men who want to understand their co-workers, their life partners, their children.

What will you learn that you can use?

It’s full of powerful thinking that can help us feel and behave differently in our lives, work, and careers. At the very least, it’s fucking entertaining – as is Shelly when you meet her in the flesh. 

Get your tickets to Shelly Davies live and in the flesh Auckland Book Launch. 

Oh, and you can watch Shelly’s TEDx talk “Write Like a Reader” so you can see her style.  And read her website to understand why she’s a Rockstar Writer.

The Creative Store, recruitment, creative jobs, NZ creative industry, Creative store logo

What’s new in Search Engine Marketing 2018

What is new in SEM for business? Rebecca Caroe discusses the Wild West of agency service providers and how to avoid getting ripped off by a marketing firm.

Louise runs the Creative Store – a recruitment and placement agency specialising in the creative industries. This is her interview with Rebecca published in August 2018.  When starting our companies, Louise and Rebecca shared offices in the BizDojo and shared jokes about English sweets and beer!

Q. How do you define search engine marketing?

A. Anything you do for your business that gets it showing up in search results.  So this  can cover keyword SEO on your website, having a strong LinkedIn profile, guest articles, Slideshare presentations and advertising.The Creative Store, recruitment, creative jobs, NZ creative industry, Creative store logo

Q. Are many companies doing a terrible job of this?

A. It is my view that SEO service provision is a “wild west” there are a lot of cowboys.  This is not just a supply side problem, it’s also caused by clients who do not brief well, are not experienced buyers and have unrealistic expectations of what is possible.  We know that business owners come to our events because they want to learn.  Many tell anecdotes about past experiences which didn’t go well.  To challenge and counteract the wild west, I am part of a Facebook group called The Ethical Digital Marketing Community (EDMC) – you’re very welcome to join us, share and learn together.  I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers.

Q. How do you identify your clients?

A.  Our clients are businesses who sell to other businesses.  Many are new to marketing and do not have in-house staff with expertise.

Q. You can spot pretty quickly where they are going wrong

Normally, they aren’t going wrong – they are getting started.  For many, the part of their marketing which they notice is not performing is their website.  It’s not showing up in search, they aren’t getting inbound enquiries and competitors are more prominent.  We recommend they do a self-test using WooRank Checker or Hubspot Website Grader Tool and see what their website score out of 100 is.  That identifies many of the areas where they’re underperforming.

Q. If clients wish to engage you, is this on a retainer or do you do a sweep of their work for a charge?

A. We do both.  Unusually for an agency we are very happy to train and up-skill the client’s team and also work with existing agencies who they already have on retainer.  Our strategic leadership allows both to deliver better outcomes for the client – and that is always the end goal.  By having a clear strategy and goals we are able to brief agencies better, they work to a clear objective and the client trusts us both to get the results.  It’s a win-win-win scenario.

Q. You are hosting an exciting event with Blair Enns in October about this subject – how do you put a price on your work – what will we expect to see from this workshop?

A.  Blair is a world expert in how to win without pitching.  October is his first event on the topic of pricing creative work.  His thesis is that most creative firms under-price their skills and expertise.  And so he teaches “value pricing” where you learn how to price the client, not the job.  Watch Blair’s summary webinar and understand where you could improve

Q. Who needs your services the most?

A.  Owner-managed businesses where the owners don’t know modern digital marketing and are too busy to do it themselves.

Q. Where is the future of SEM going?

A. Deeper and wider into ever more businesses.  Good SEM techniques are straightforward to apply to any business.  I summarise this into – State what you do, Answer questions clearly and Keep your focus on local or niche audiences.  Then repeat and improve. 

Q. Any helpful tips and hints to our clients on their SEM and simples fixes they could be applying?

A.  Sure – Three things.   1 do a website check and see what your score out of 100 is.  2 connect your Google Analytics and Search Console so you can see the queries driving your natural search traffic.  3 review where your last 10 new clients came from – was it referrals or web search or directories or public speaking or something else.  Then double down on what’s working and do more of it.

Q. Where to from here for Creative Agency Secrets

A. More collaborative relationships with other agencies and mutual clients.  I firmly believe that collaboration is an under-used business principle and it is working amazingly well for us.  Who doesn’t want to look good in front of the client?

Air NZ, holiday styles quiz, CRM, Customer segmentation tool

AirNZ gamifys its customer segments

As a marketer I love being marketed to and so when I got invited by Air New Zealand to “Find out what’s your travel style?” I clicked to do the self-test quiz.

Backstory – Customer Differentiation for CRM

Air NZ Contest quiz, CRM, customer segmentation

Facebook advert for Air NZ Quiz

Brands need to be clear about different messages to different audiences.  This is basic database marketing concept is easy to achieve using segmentation based on actions.  The difficult part is identifying customer attitudes and desires which have not yet become actions.

Creating a differentiation matrix for your customer base is worthwhile and if you have never done one before, ask us to help you create it.

After you have actions plus attitudes then you can create a layered differentiation plan – plugging your customer journey and content plan with clear guidelines which your team will love because it makes it very easy to track progress towards your goals.

Here’s Per Caroe’s slide from our Unhurried Conversation in which we focused on discussing customer journey maps.

Activity scoring for customer segmentation

Back to Air New Zealand’s segmentation strategy

The team will have created the segments based on research data (Qual and Quant) but their challenge is how to populate their existing customers into the data grid.  Here’s where the fun quiz fits.  By running a campaign with a prize draw, they are creating a series of Golden Questions and the obliging customer fills in the quiz and creates a score which populates their preferences in the database.  What follows is the clever part – using the insights gained, AirNZ will be cross-populating the insights into their current database of customers who did not fill in the quiz – by inference from other customers who look alike.

What I’m looking forward to is the communications that should follow – will I (A Lounger) get more customised messaging?

The Travel Style quiz told in screenshots

First up the quiz questions – you can guess the alignment between the four travel styles (lower down) and the questions if you choose to base your own quiz on this format.

Then the detail of the travel styles.

And lastly the up-sell in every travel style description – mine was for the Skycouch including a video and a transcript (very important for people using social without sound enabled).

Air NZ how do you holiday?

Quiz step 1

Air NZ, holiday styles quiz, CRM, Customer segmentation tool

Quiz question 2

Air NZ, holiday styles quiz, CRM, Customer segmentation tool

Quiz question 3

Air NZ, holiday styles quiz, CRM, Customer segmentation tool

Quiz question 4

Air NZ, holiday styles quiz, CRM, Customer segmentation tool

Quiz question 5

Air NZ, holiday styles quiz, CRM, Customer segmentation tool

Quiz outcome – Travel Lounger segment

Air NZ, holiday styles quiz, CRM, Customer segmentation tool

Quiz result Savvy selector

Air NZ, holiday styles quiz, CRM, Customer segmentation tool

Quiz result segment opportunist

Air NZ, holiday styles quiz, CRM, Customer segmentation tool

Quiz result segment Goody gatherer

Air NZ, holiday styles quiz, CRM, Customer segmentation tool

Skycouch advert from my segment profile

Air NZ Skycouch video and 360 tour - with transcript

Skycouch video and 360 tour – with transcript