Is your website consistently driving results for your business? Is it adaptive to changes on the web? With rapid advances in website technology, design and function have evolved, bringing a new set of expectations to your visitors. With these expectations and advanced features ultimately affecting the success of the business online, being able to respond effectively is essential.
We’re not saying a complete rebuild of your website is necessary every 12 months, but minor tweaks, layout improvements and updated content are just a few ways to keep your website fresh! The needs of your website, or at least how people use it, will likely change throughout its life. Being able to respond to that change is essential for maintaining customer engagement.
It can be a daunting process. To make it easier, we have created a list of suggestions to ensure you unlock your website’s potential.
7 ways to keep your website relevant
1. Build your site on a Content Management System (CMS) – such as WordPress, Drupal, SquareSpace.
This is single-handedly the most important piece of advice for a business with limited web-dev resources. An advanced CMS platform offers huge freedom to customise content, compared to one that was hard-coded. You can easily swap bits in and out, and if you have a decent understanding of the system, make simple changes to the whole visual layout, without having to spend hundreds (or thousands) hiring a developer. Most CMS platforms offer an intuitive interface which removes the need to learn HTML too. This can be a real time saver, if maintaining the site is not your fulltime priority!
With an increasing number of web visits coming from mobile devices, ensuring your site is responsive to different screen sizes is absolutely essential too. Many CMS platforms offer mobile responsiveness. If yours isn’t, you’re already way behind the game!
2. Observe how your visitors use your website
Analytical tools such as Google Analytics + Search Console provide an incredible amount detail and invaluable insights as to how people are actually interacting with your site. Goal tracking, a powerful feature of Google Analytics analyses the effectiveness of particular product channels and sales conversions. Set up correctly, it makes it easy to pinpoint where customers are dropping off or what is triggering purchases. This helps to outline where you can improve your sales channels to maximise conversion success.
Analytical software allows you to observe a range of other insightful trends too: Are there large blocks of text that are being ignored? Are your visitors finding what they are looking for? How far down the page are they viewing before losing interest? Thanks to tools like Sumo and Crazy Egg, we can gain a much deeper understanding of how visitors are using our website. If nobody pays attention to that beautiful full width banner, is it worth having?
Making your site as easy as possible for visitors to use is essential for ensuring they become customers. The likes of Google Analytics are free to use, and most paid versions of software offer free or limited period trial versions. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be looking into them!
3. Interpret and respond to your analytics
If the majority of your traffic is ignoring your featured product, swap it for something else! If they are searching for an FAQ, make sure it is clearly visible from the homepage! Are visitors dropping off before they reach your call to action further down the page? What can you change to ensure they all see it? If they aren’t scrolling through, it is time you spent some time reworking your site’s layout.
4. Make sure your audience can find you
A lot of the work here comes back to your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Are you using the right keywords for your brand/offering? What words are people using to find your product/service? How do you rank in searches? One way to influence these variables is through regular, targeted content. Publishing blog articles or (even better) video material is an easy way to give visitors a reason to keep coming to your site. This in turn, boosts the value of your SEO. Don’t stress if you can’t maintain a schedule of posting each day either. If you have a big catalogue of material, drip feed it out over the course of the year. Maintaining a steady rhythm is far better than dumping 20 articles all at once. Consistency is the key here!
5. Do the words on your site clearly describe what you do?
It’s one thing to write for the Google bots that will crawl your site and determine where to show you on search, but at the end of the day, decisions are made by humans. If your visitors are browsing your website desperately wondering what it is exactly that you do, chances are they are going to move on pretty quickly. No amount of keywords will help if your message doesn’t make sense. If you don’t have the time or the confidence to write your own copy, it’s highly worth getting someone to do it for you.
6. Give your visitors a reason to trust you
Real life testimonials from customers who have actually purchased or worked with you can make or break the decision to buy from you. There are a number of places where these can come from – Social Media pages such as your Facebook page or your Google My Business page are just two, but there’s nothing stopping you from replicating them on your website (with their permission of course!). Displaying customer logos (if your work is B2B) is a great way to showcase your brand’s credibility.
7. Make it easy for your visitors to take action
Whether that action is in the form of purchasing something from your website or filling out a contact form, it’s absolutely vital that you make it as easy as possible. The less hoops prospective customers have to jump through to get what they want, the more inclined they will be to take action. If you have hyperlinked text as your call to action, consider substituting it for a big eye-catching button. The call to action is the main objective of your page, why hide it?
If you are not sure what is and isn’t working, or if you know your website needs a bit of a touch-up, talk to us – we are the experts!
Tell us what your goals are: traffic or sales
What’s a typical response rate for personalised B2B direct mail?
/0 Comments/in B2B, Direct Marketing, Lead Generation /by Rebecca CaroeYour response rate for B2B direct mail depends on a couple of things
Lastly, both the services you suggest seem good, I’ve not used them. But a competent Direct Marketing Agency (like Creative Agency Secrets) will do a similar job of customised direct mail pieces as these businesses. Which may be much cheaper. It depends on how big your database is as to which is a good / cheap option.
We use our 8 Step New Business Development process and each has a category – this blog post is related to Step 2 – Marketing Communications and Step 3 – New Business Pipeline
Click on the icons to see more posts in each category.
This answer was first submitted on
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Testimonial & Case Study from Apartment Specialists realtors
/0 Comments/in B2C, Case Studies /by Rebecca CaroeCase study of realtor website improvements
Driving visitors to the right landing page focuses traffic
And now look at the previous attempt to segment the traffic – it’s still on the site but the most valuable customers (those wanting a valuation prior to selling) are not clicking on the links at all.
Ebooks drive fewer clicks and nobody clicks the online valuation box.
So why is the offer of an ebook not compelling?
We analysed the website traffic and sought to understand the “buyer personas” of visitors. When an apartment owner is thinking of selling the first thing they do is to get their property valued. Hence the need to put valuation front and centre of the offer.
But an ebook explaining the process and showcasing the skill of the team is not enough in itself to get visitors to click. Many don’t want an ebook – but they do want other things. There were no clicks on the left box which offered valuations. This was a problem for the firm.
Creating a landing page with ALL the information a buyer, a seller or a seller wanting a valuation needs was the solution – the ebook is also offered there but so is a tonne of other useful data including podcast episodes, contact details and other resources appropriate for their needs.
Interestingly, the top menu includes a link to “buy” but this gets only around 3% of all clicks whereas the big button has 300% more.
Result? More clicks, more valuation enquiries.
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How to use brand icons to drive sales
/0 Comments/in B2B, B2C, Case Studies, Content Marketing, Marketing ideas /by Rebecca CaroeMy philosophy of marketing is that every part of your marketing toolkit that you’ve spent money developing should be working hard to generate sales for your business.
Creating a strong visual identity is a given. But what about extending it into other marketing areas?
We have been experimenting using content marketing to reinforce visual identity branding and the USPs (unique selling points) and key points of difference of the brand. Here’s how.
Your business philosophy
When applying content marketing tactics we find that the effectiveness is enhanced when the content is aligned with either buyer personas, pipeline stage, business philosophy or point of difference. These all help to bring a prospect closer to purchase.
A strategic marketer will help you define a positioning can demonstrate continual advantage and which you can defend against competitors.
Helping your prospective clients to recognise this positioning and then to relate their experience or their expected buying experience to it is the job of the tactical marketer.
Once you’ve established the philosophy positioning, identifying each part with an unique visual identity or icon is a neat way of enabling the customer to recognise elements in your content marketing and their relation to each other. From this, they can navigate to find other related content pieces on the same theme or topic.
Case Study – the sports coach website
This client identified five buyer personas and now has a unique landing page for each one. Their website has over 20,000 pages because they have been blogging since 2007. This means new visitors find navigating the site challenging. We identified a deep resource of ‘evergreen’ content which was not getting traffic and so not getting read by visitors. From this we evolved a segmentation strategy built around a landing page and a visual icon for each visitor type.
Customer segmentation as icons
The landing page includes links to the most popular evergreen articles and also gives guidance for the visitor on where to look for similar content.
Case Study – the marketing agency
At Creative Agency Secrets, we have 8 icons which are all steps in the new business development process. On the blog sidebar are our list of categories – the first eight are numbered and each relates to one step in the process.
Working on our own blog, we needed to reduce the bounce rate and encourage deeper browsing. And so we leveraged our 8 Step New business Development Process. This identifies a clear set of stages for a tactical marketer and a framework for their marketing year planning. Each stage has a small icon and links to all the blog posts written about that topic.
Marketing segmentation icons
It’s easy to read, easy to cross-link articles and also to reference more than one icon in each blog post.
Case Study – the financial advisor
Selling services is often harder than products – defining a clear point of difference is even more challenging for the marketer. Collaborative Consulting was set up in response to the same-ification of the financial advisory marketplace. The founder, John Milner, uses his long experience to advise clients differently from others – he calls these the Six Max Factors. And using a simple graphic, each one is named and ordered.
The goal is to enable readers to become familiar with each icon so they quickly recognise them and can relate to the marketing content more easily.
This tactic will serve to reinforce the firm’s investment philosophy, remind readers why they chose Collaborative Consulting as their advisor and set the firm apart from competitors who are less explicit about the foundations of their advice and investing activities.
How to spot an opportunity to use icons
The key insight a marketer needs to bring to using logos as a sales device is to discover
That’s a great starting point – off you go!
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7 Ways to Make Your Website Relevant
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamIs your website consistently driving results for your business? Is it adaptive to changes on the web? With rapid advances in website technology, design and function have evolved, bringing a new set of expectations to your visitors. With these expectations and advanced features ultimately affecting the success of the business online, being able to respond effectively is essential.
We’re not saying a complete rebuild of your website is necessary every 12 months, but minor tweaks, layout improvements and updated content are just a few ways to keep your website fresh! The needs of your website, or at least how people use it, will likely change throughout its life. Being able to respond to that change is essential for maintaining customer engagement.
It can be a daunting process. To make it easier, we have created a list of suggestions to ensure you unlock your website’s potential.
7 ways to keep your website relevant
1. Build your site on a Content Management System (CMS) – such as WordPress, Drupal, SquareSpace.
This is single-handedly the most important piece of advice for a business with limited web-dev resources. An advanced CMS platform offers huge freedom to customise content, compared to one that was hard-coded. You can easily swap bits in and out, and if you have a decent understanding of the system, make simple changes to the whole visual layout, without having to spend hundreds (or thousands) hiring a developer. Most CMS platforms offer an intuitive interface which removes the need to learn HTML too. This can be a real time saver, if maintaining the site is not your fulltime priority!
With an increasing number of web visits coming from mobile devices, ensuring your site is responsive to different screen sizes is absolutely essential too. Many CMS platforms offer mobile responsiveness. If yours isn’t, you’re already way behind the game!
2. Observe how your visitors use your website
Analytical tools such as Google Analytics + Search Console provide an incredible amount detail and invaluable insights as to how people are actually interacting with your site. Goal tracking, a powerful feature of Google Analytics analyses the effectiveness of particular product channels and sales conversions. Set up correctly, it makes it easy to pinpoint where customers are dropping off or what is triggering purchases. This helps to outline where you can improve your sales channels to maximise conversion success.
Analytical software allows you to observe a range of other insightful trends too: Are there large blocks of text that are being ignored? Are your visitors finding what they are looking for? How far down the page are they viewing before losing interest? Thanks to tools like Sumo and Crazy Egg, we can gain a much deeper understanding of how visitors are using our website. If nobody pays attention to that beautiful full width banner, is it worth having?
Making your site as easy as possible for visitors to use is essential for ensuring they become customers. The likes of Google Analytics are free to use, and most paid versions of software offer free or limited period trial versions. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be looking into them!
3. Interpret and respond to your analytics
If the majority of your traffic is ignoring your featured product, swap it for something else! If they are searching for an FAQ, make sure it is clearly visible from the homepage! Are visitors dropping off before they reach your call to action further down the page? What can you change to ensure they all see it? If they aren’t scrolling through, it is time you spent some time reworking your site’s layout.
4. Make sure your audience can find you
A lot of the work here comes back to your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Are you using the right keywords for your brand/offering? What words are people using to find your product/service? How do you rank in searches? One way to influence these variables is through regular, targeted content. Publishing blog articles or (even better) video material is an easy way to give visitors a reason to keep coming to your site. This in turn, boosts the value of your SEO. Don’t stress if you can’t maintain a schedule of posting each day either. If you have a big catalogue of material, drip feed it out over the course of the year. Maintaining a steady rhythm is far better than dumping 20 articles all at once. Consistency is the key here!
5. Do the words on your site clearly describe what you do?
It’s one thing to write for the Google bots that will crawl your site and determine where to show you on search, but at the end of the day, decisions are made by humans. If your visitors are browsing your website desperately wondering what it is exactly that you do, chances are they are going to move on pretty quickly. No amount of keywords will help if your message doesn’t make sense. If you don’t have the time or the confidence to write your own copy, it’s highly worth getting someone to do it for you.
6. Give your visitors a reason to trust you
Real life testimonials from customers who have actually purchased or worked with you can make or break the decision to buy from you. There are a number of places where these can come from – Social Media pages such as your Facebook page or your Google My Business page are just two, but there’s nothing stopping you from replicating them on your website (with their permission of course!). Displaying customer logos (if your work is B2B) is a great way to showcase your brand’s credibility.
7. Make it easy for your visitors to take action
Whether that action is in the form of purchasing something from your website or filling out a contact form, it’s absolutely vital that you make it as easy as possible. The less hoops prospective customers have to jump through to get what they want, the more inclined they will be to take action. If you have hyperlinked text as your call to action, consider substituting it for a big eye-catching button. The call to action is the main objective of your page, why hide it?
If you are not sure what is and isn’t working, or if you know your website needs a bit of a touch-up, talk to us – we are the experts!
Tell us what your goals are: traffic or sales
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What’s the best way to get more paying customers?
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeThe answer, is a new business development plan. That’s a month by month chart of marketing promotion activities. It includes proactive marketing that builds up your business profile which leads to enquiries which become sales. It’s a continuous cycle.
Join us for in a business development planning workshop on November 12th 2016 to write your own plan.
This workshop is for business owners and managers who are responsible for finding new clients and growing revenues. It will show you the practical, tried and tested techniques that the Creative Agency Secrets team uses for its clients.
You will learn:
Each attendee will take home a high level plan for their business – planned through the year with month by month activities.
Don’t take our word for it…
“I thought it was great, enlightening and thoroughly enjoyed the ideas. I also appreciated all the little things that can be done and those things that don’t take money but have a big impact. It was great and I thoroughly would recommend it to all business owners looking to expand business online.” Julie Soboil, co-owner, Hushamok
“The business sessions with you were very good – reinforced my thinking but was given expert and very helpful and thoughtful information for me to digest. Although I am very aware of the importance of social media, I also realise that I am behind in using it so need to make time to get up to speed.” Helen Mitchell, Managing Director, Anti-aging World
Can I join the class?
Sure thing – we have 6 places available.
Price: NZ $500.00 + GST
Venue: Studio 74D France Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland 1010
Date: November 12th from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm.
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Your home page is failing its purpose
/0 Comments/in B2B, B2C, Branding, Digital media /by Rebecca CaroeI had to write to a client recently to tell them that their home page was failing. It was not delivering value, it was not doing its job and was actively causing problems for the business. And this made me realise that few businesses understand the job a home page does.
Hanging Gardens home page
What should a good home page design do?
If you are an online shop, the home page has the job of showing the specials for the month or new product lines. It is often a straightforward design to implement.
If you are a software company, the home page is usually a sales page promoting and explaining your principal products.
But most business websites have a different challenge, especially those who do not sell by ecommerce. They have had a website for a few years; they may have had a couple of redesigns and the business website has probably grown to tens, hundreds or thousands of pages over this period. The priorities of the business shift over time and the website home page needs to support the new business goals and objectives.
This throws up questions
The job of a website home page is to get the visitor to her destination in as few clicks as possible.
Why do visitors come?
Your entire website comprises a heap of different information, advice, products and services and a visitor may be interested in all, one or none of them. So how can you guess what the latest web visitor wants?
This is where intelligent home page design comes in.
Home page as sign post
The principal task of the home page is to signpost the visitor FAST to where she wants to go. So let’s work out what this means for your website.
Go to your web analytics account and find two reports created from your actual visitor traffic this year. These are
a) the pages visitors went to on the site. This shows which are the most popular
b) the search queries people typed into Google which had your website showing up in search results (this comes by linking Search Console to Google Analytics – here’s how to set it up).
Your job is to line up b) with a) so we get the maximum number of people coming to the site and getting quickly to the exact page they are looking for.
Designing for Destination
You now know the top two to five pages on your website (after the home page itself). I’m going to offer some advice here which will help you brief your designer on the changes you need to make to your home page.
Firstly – simplify the main menu. Can you remove any of the top menu items? Give the visitor as few choices as possible, stay focused on those top destination pages. Can you reduce your menu to 5 options? (Home, About, Contact Us plus 2 others?). Can you remove sub-menus or drop-downs? We advised Armour Safety to put icon images of their popular product groupings on a side menu; ordered by popularity. Clicks followed immediately we made the change.
Secondly – highlight popular destination pages in the home page design. Make it very obvious in the home page design elements what these are. You can use images, boxes, icons, buttons, large text – all are useful devices to focus attention. By repeating these popular destinations in the home page design and the top menu, you increase the chances that the visitor will choose an already popular pathway. now does not show its products on the main menu – they send visitors direct to the shop which has its own home page and details all the categories. Similarly, Apartment Specialists has 3 buttons on the home page, I’m Buying; I’m Selling and I want a Valuation. All three are on their menu, but the buttons make it easier for visitors to quickly decide where to click.
Thirdly – you have to reinforce the already popular page destinations – this may sound counter-intuitive. Don’t try and encourage traffic to pages that are not already popular i.e. double down your bets on the well-performing pages. This is the 80:20 rule in action. For the visitor who does want something unusual if they cannot find it from your menus, be sure to make it very clear how to get in touch to ask the question.
So go check how your home page is performing in its duty as a sign post – and don’t be afraid to make changes iteratively – one small change at a time so you can measure the effect before altering other elements.
We use our 8 Step New Business Development process and each has a category – this blog post is related to Step 1 – State your Business.
Click on the icon to see more posts in that category.
This article first appeared in Marketing Online Magazine
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What’s in a name?
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeIt’s undeniable that one of the key components to owing and operating a successful business in today’s world is to have a strong web presence. You may think you know how to do that without help, but are you sure? Most of us have a vague idea of what it would take to boost our on-line profile personally. A company’s public identity can and should be different, though. Even if you think you’ll be fine on your own, it’s a solid idea to check out who can help you and what assistance they can offer. That’s where Namify’s blog name generator can come in handy.
More Than Meets the Eye
Some blog name generators are just that: they suggest a name for your blog based on a couple of keywords you put in their search engine bar. But other blog name generators, like Namify, are for more than just blogs. The words you choose should be representative of your blog or business. These can actually help you plan your business and establish your brand, especially online.
One thing a good name generator service does is look into the future for you. It’s not possible for each new business start-up to understand all the nuances of web-based marketing. That’s where Namify’s inclusive service comes in handy. Social media is a must; a great service will match you with a business name that represents your company well and attracts attention across different social media platforms by suggesting a name that’s available on those platforms. You don’t want to name your business something and then find out someone else has that name claimed on Instagram or Twitter.
Dot What?
The future of having a web presence for your company doesn’t have to include a .com. A tech-based business can now have a .tech web address. There are different domains available for stores, businesses, blogs and clothing brands. Why would this matter? Increasingly, the .com domain is getting crowded with unwieldy website names. A different domain gives you the chance to both register your business name exactly as it is and be eye-catchingly original at the same time. Anything positive that helps you set yourself apart from your competition is a good thing, right?
Just having a memorable business and domain name isn’t enough, though. You’ll need a company logo to help your customers recognize you where ever your presence is felt on the web. Logos can be difficult to nail down unless you find a gifted and imaginative graphic designer, which gets really expensive. Namify’s generator services cut out the need for taking a chance on someone who won’t understand your vision because they offer help with designing a striking logo for you based on the information you provide when you initially go to them for assistance.
Better services offer options for your logo, also. You don’t have to settle for the first – and only – one they suggest. You can have some input as to your logo. After all, it’s your business and your dream.
Do You Really Need This?
Even if your business isn’t web-based, you still need a web presence. Verisign discovered that if a business, even a small business, has an established web identity, 84% of potential customers were more likely to believe in that business’s reliability. People turn to the web to search for what they need. A listing in the yellow pages isn’t going to help you because almost no one uses them anymore. Your corporation’s website is where people will go to learn everything from your open hours to what specifically you can do for them. So, yes, your company needs to be on the internet.
With so many tools available to help you make a success of your business venture, not looking into a name search generator could potentially cost you a lot.
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8 ways to promote local businesses
/2 Comments/in Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeOur exclusive video of 20 minutes of pure ideas and stimulation about how to promote your business locally:
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Building Trust with Clients
/0 Comments/in B2B, Case Studies, Sales /by Rebecca CaroeNew clients take a bit of work – you have to work hard to get to know them and they you.
Ghost Street logo
Having been part of the BizDojo community we were lucky to meet a host of great folks in the co-working space on K Road.
So it’s always a delight when we get to re-connect in the interests of client work.
Not only does it look good to be able to say “we know them already” but it builds trust with both parties and also some strong marketing too.
Nice work, Tim Dawson of Ghost Street and fun to be collaborating.
Networks of networks
Which makes me think about questions I have had this past fortnight about the networks which work for me and where and how I find them.
Challenging – because when I moved to Auckland I knew few people. So here are the ones which I find useful for meeting smart folks who think, challenge, may become clients and have good things which I’m interested in hearing others talk about….
Which are your go-to meetings, groups and influencers? Please add to the list.
We use our 8 Step New Business Development process and each has a category – this blog post is related to Step 4 – Profile Raising, Step 5 – Relationship Development and Step 6 – Opportunity Spotting.
Click on each icon to see more posts in that category.
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