Hiring and working with an expert to help you get work done seems simple until you actually have to do it. When you finally face the situation, it may be fairly simple to find someone who is a specialist, but how can you be certain that you’re getting a qualified expert who will provide your business with value and won’t waste your money?
About a year ago, we published a blog post about how to hire an expert website developer. This blog post became very popular and brought in many questions asking for details and advice on particular situations. Because of this, we are holding a morning tea seminar that elaborates on the topic in order to help you hire the best person for the job.
What you’ll get from the seminar:
- Common mistakes made when hiring contractors
- Steps to evaluate an authority figure
- Easy tests to see if your expert knows their stuff
- Tips for effective management and communication after hiring
- How to make a fall-back plan
- Books, podcasts, and other resources to learn more
Event Details:
What: How To Hire An Expert (When You Aren’t One) Seminar
When: Tuesday, 31st July 2018 from 10 AM – 11 AM
Where: Grey Lynn Community Centre, Balcony Room, 510 Richmond Rd, Grey Lynn, Auckland
More Information About The Event
Come from 9:30am for some coffee, morning tea, and networking! We hope to see you there!