Infographics used for business development
Former client, Ctrl-Shift, is a strategy consultancy focusing on personal data and its use online.
They realised that the landscape of personal data availability online has changed hugely in a very short time and despite hysterical outcries about Facebook privacy settings, it is an important area that both brands and consumers should be knowledgable about.
Their concept of “personal data stores” is a really interesting concept that is being built out – imagine you, the consumer, setting the ‘terms and conditions’ for a brand to access your personal information?
It’s called Vendor Relationship Management read more here and here.
But see their great Personal Data infographic published in full with a brief snapshot below showing the 2012 situation…it describes the landscape for legislation, technology, entrepreneurs, corporates and consumers and looks forward in scenarios for each to 2017.
Hi Rebecca,
This is a hugely important and fascinating subject. I loved the graphic, but I am not as optimistic about the likely outcome, where individuals can use the power of their data as distinct from having their data used “against” them by the organisations that have collected it.
Here is something i wrote on this a while back
Richard – thanks for a great comment. I am very committed, as you are, to individuals having the decision making power over their personal data and its use.
I thoroughly support your contention about data use ‘not in the way it was originally intended’ being one of the key issues of our age. I wa behavioural s working on this when at Peppers and Rogers in the 90s – and believe me, what we could infer or derive from simple data (not even stats) then was pretty impressive.
One of our clients is Lifetime Health Diary and they are working on health and wellness data sets. The challenge for them (as for Google and Facebook) is where to draw the line. When is data use for “good” means [e.g. chronic health condition management] allowable and when is data for “less-good” means to be deplored?
Maybe we do need a Global Data Czar after all. Someone’s got to make the hard decisions and I certainly don’t want the job.
P.S. why won’t HuffTechUK allow comments on your story?