Entries by Rebecca Caroe

Christchurch and Creative Commons

I care deeply about the Creative Commons movement – this blog has been licensed for share-alike attribution since it started in 2006. The Christchurch massacre on Friday has highlighted one of the challenges of modern media. How to stop bad stuff being shared; and the converse, how to preserve good stuff for future use. The […]

Customer Reviews – what about the bad ones?

Reviews are essential for businesses building brand visibility online. But bad reviews make my toes curl. Sometimes they are fair, sometimes not. What can the marketing team do about this? Different pathways for different reviews Treating different customers differently is a core principle of good CRM. But until the review is published, you won’t know […]

Podcasts for event promotion

Podcasting is going mainstream – it’s the newest part of content marketing and frankly it’s about time! Many people have been producing independent shows in voice format for years – I started one for my sport in 2013 – but only in the past year have brands started to get on board. So why podcast […]

Advance your LinkedIn focus

Many B2B marketers and brands are using LinkedIn intensively as a channel to market, building awareness and interest in your offering. LinkedIn is NOT EFFECTIVE a direct marketing channel – it’s for brand marketing. Today I have a challenge for you. Followers. Who follows you? Go to your LinkedIn page and log in. Then navigate […]

3 Technologies Consumers Couldn’t Have Predicted

Technology has become a big part of everyday life. Right now, you’re reading this on a computer, tablet or smart phone. That alone shows how technology is intricately woven into many aspects of modern life. While some innovations could have been predicted, like automation or virtual reality, others have been the opposite. Here are three […]

Adoption curves for MarTech

This past week has seen a “Sweeper Wave” of coinciding reading and researches which tell me one new thing – podcasting for business content marketing is now going mainstream. First let me explain the sweeper waves – I was on holiday on the Coromandel Coast and a sea swell off the west coast caused occasionally […]

Ready to learn Social Media in 2019?

Rebecca is going to be at the Social Media Conference NZ #SMCNZ19 March 1-2 – she’s hosting a table talk on podcasting and blogging for business. This is a fantastic opportunity to invest in your business and for your own professional development. The conference is for Small business to corporates, from beginners to advanced. Imagine […]

Referral traffic from Pingl is spam

I was checking the analytics on a client site and saw a referral from a website I did not recognise.  And so I investigated it. After typing in the reach-publisheral website address manually (I always do this in a new browser window), an automatic redirect came into effect and I ended up on Pingl.net [no, […]