Are you looking to build a loyal following among your customers? Great marketing strategies brought them to you, but now it’s your job to keep them. Marketing can only do so much and it is important to understand that there is nothing more effective than customer care when seeking to grow your market. Poor customer service is one of the leading reasons why so many consumers hop from one company to the next, and if you want to keep your current customer base while adding new customers along the way, it would pay to focus on making improvements to customer retentions skills.
Here are 3 of the most important to begin with.
1. Stop Talking and Start Listening
Sometimes it’s hard to stop talking about the products or services you are promoting because you, personally, know what they can do and how effective they are. Unfortunately, all the benefits you might be talking about may not be what the customer is looking for. Instead of giving them a sales pitch, why don’t you listen to exactly what it is they are looking for? What brought them to you may not be what they need, but by listening to them you may be able to provide them with an alternative solution. Consumers are literally fed up with high powered sales techniques and above all, they want to be heard!
2. When You MUST Talk – Give Them Something of Value
Sometimes you don’t need to say very much at all if you can point your customers in the direction of where they can find the information they are seeking.
For example, you are explaining a new electronic device your company just launched and a very important feature is the amazing circuitry on the printed circuit board or PCB. Many consumers are technologically challenged, so why not provide an extensive FAQ on your website? Give them information on exactly what a printed circuit board is and why its design is a critical element in your device. Perhaps any safeguards you’ve built in against hardware Trojans can be mentioned so they will know that you care about their security as well as making the almighty buck!
And Air New Zealand helps its customers work out what sort of holiday they prefer using a simple quiz. This groups customers into segments which will affect future messaging and content served to them. Gamifying customer segments increases engagement and helps customers to self-identify as different to the brand.
3. Improve Your Own Knowledge
It’s important at this point to know the difference between a consumer who knows little about electronics, for example, and a consumer who is market savvy. Just because they don’t know what a PCB is or how its design can impact the device you are promoting, doesn’t mean they can tell the difference between a salesman and a tech-savvy associate! If you want to retain customers, it pays to learn as much as you can about the products and/or services you offer. You never know when that one answer to an important question a customer comes back with next week is the main reason they stay with your company for future sales.
In the end, it’s all about hearing what your customers are saying so that you can give them well-informed answers to any questions which might arise. If they can believe in you, the person they are communicating with, they can believe in your company. Salesforce says that as many as 70% of customers look for that all-important connection. Do you want to retain customers you’ve sold? Listen to what they are saying! Sometimes, it’s as simple as that.
No related posts. Mutt Mutt2017-06-10 10:49:552019-11-14 04:03:203 Ways to Improve Customer Retention
Working with a client who makes animated explainer videos – Case Study of how to grow referrals. We discuss three ways they can get more referral business.
Image by NWeSource
1.Innovations in your specialism
Every market changes over time – fads pass, new ideas surface. So write about what’s happening in your market. Consider writing about styles, techniques, innovations to be added onto an explainer video (if that’s your business). So which new styles are coming about? Where did each one come from – background and timeline of the evolution.
In the writing analyse the change, what are the component parts, which elements stand out. You could add in new uses for explainer videos – for example in a PitchPack video brochure.
The goal:
Give the reader the education and tools to make an analysis themselves of whether their archive of explainer videos is getting dated
Show your opinion as a market leader on what’s good, what’s new and what’s to be avoided
Create content which you can share with past clients and encourage them to update their videos and re-buy from you. [This is referring back to prior clients, not new ones.]
2. Create a Call list
You need to speak to people if you sell in Business to Business (B2B). The best way to start a dialogue is with Open Questions. These encourage a longer response from the other person and give you insight into their views on a topic. Any insight enables you to position your services as a solution to issues they raise.
Here’s an example of a call prompt (not really a script).
“Hello, Rebecca. I sent you our article about new styles in explainer videos. I just wanted to get your opinion on it. What did you think?”
Can you imagine how the call will develop into a discussion?
Yes, so can I.
Whether you get a new job immediately or not, you stand a good chance of doing some good things
Checking your contact database is still current – add new names in if you can
Finding out the current situation in the client business with regard to your service offering
Reminding them that you exist and have been trusted with work in the past
Updating your CRM with lead status (cold, warm, hot)
Possibly opening new opportunities for new business.
Create this call list from a list of all your clients from the past 3 years (more if you’ve been in business longer). Also add to the list from your Linked In connections and those from your co-workers. Goal to have 100 people on the list to call.
Plan on making 3 calls per week, per person in your team. Yes, new business development requires discipline and is hard. We can teach you how…
3. Getting Referrals
Start to build a referral marketing engine into your daily project work as well. We find what works best is to connect with them early in the project.
Start with a “Happy call” when you ring asking for feedback on how the job is going.
Then build on this with a similar call just after the project has been delivered. Remind them of what they said on the earlier call. This is the moment to ask for a testimonial for the project team.
After getting this, I usually wrap up by asking
Do you know anyone else who might like to meet us?
My goal is to get two names of people as an introduction. My big tip to make this successful is to ask the question and then to stay silent until the other person has come up with a name…. stay silent as they “ummm” and say “maybe”, “well”, “I’m not sure” and still stay silent and they will 80% of the time come up with a name. If they firmly say no, you can prompt with – maybe a co-worker in a different team or maybe someone from your previous job and see if that can deliver a name.
How to use the introduction….. write an email to BOTH people. This is my template email that works.
Hi Alex,
Our AGENCY NAME has just completed a job for INTRODUCER and s/he suggested you as someone who might like to get to know us.
We completed an explainer video (link) for INTRODUCER.
I took a look at your website and [something helpful here which they can use immediately].
Looking forward to connecting.
Lots of love from Rebecca (only joking… use an appropriate sign off).
I always cc the introducer in this message so they know what I said.
In the email you could tell them about the customer satisfaction scores or Net Promoter Score which your team has acquired over time. Or link to TrustPilot Reviews or your Google My Business Review score.
The follow up call is just a friendly get to know you call. No selling. But if you feel it’s gone well you can follow up with an email linking to a helpful resource from your website. Here’s one I use frequently.
This is an example of the type of helpful marketing tips which Creative Agency Secrets writes in our newsletter and blog.We want to enable you to buy web services as an informed consumer (and we don’t build websites, we help our clients to use them actively to win new client business).
Cute eh?
Then you have to put them onto a stay-in-touch programme or ask if they will allow you to stay in touch with a newsletter subscription. Either way, one call won’t win you business but a dedicated process to provide utility (usefulness) to them, will ensure you are remembered and they take your calls in future.
No related posts. Caroe Caroe2017-06-08 17:13:202022-12-19 11:57:24Case Study: Three ways to increase referrals
Online reviews are a cornerstone of how consumers make decisions whether to buy a product or not.If you see a product that you want, you will read through the reviews to make sure that you are going to be getting what you need from the product.If the product website does not have reviews, the odds are good that you are searching online for one that does have them.But what if you are the business that is getting reviewed?There is a certain level of expectation that you are not going to have 100% positive reviews, right?Here we discuss some ways that you can handle negative reviews online.
The Site Does Not Matter
It does not matter if the review was posted on a very well-known site or one that you might have never heard of, people will find it online.That means you have to take all of them seriously and get a plan in order so that you can defend your business against them.The first time that you see a negative online review about your business you are probably wishing that you had an online public relations degree.Build a plan and stick to it and then reviews will eventually get taken care of on all the sites they are posted to.
Contact the Review Site First
Depending on the review site where you found the negative review, you might be able to contact them about it.Take a minute and search through the site to see if you can find contact information relevant to your review and how to handle it properly.If you think the review was added by a competitor, you may have a leg to stand on to get it removed, but the process will have to be fool proof.
Join In and Engage The Reviewer
If the website that you find the negative reviews on allows you to respond to them, take a minute and do just that.Being able to explain the situation to them and possibly clear up the reasons they left the review is the first step to repairing your reputation.There is not really any need to hire a public relations expert for this, but an intern working towards an online masters in public relations might not be a bad place to start looking for help.
Always Encourage Positive Reviews from Customers
In many cases, and to keep things fair, you might find that negative reviews are not going to disappear from the internet.If that is the case, you can combat them by asking your future customers to leave positive reviews if they are satisfied with your business.There is nothing wrong with asking for some help if they are truly happy with your services.Over time, this will push the negative reviews and bring your overall average rating up, helping your business.
Take a minute to take a look at your business and if there is anything that might cause a negative review.There could be a few easy fixes that you can do to keep the negative reviews to a minimum.Good luck!
No related posts. Caroe Caroe2017-06-05 10:00:002017-06-28 17:01:16How to Deal with Negative Online Reviews
Every good business owner and marketer knows that standing out from the crowd is important when it comes to attracting the interest of potential customers. However, when millions of companies around the world are all competing for the top spots and the most customers, standing out from the crowd can often feel impossible. Yet, some companies manage to do it, so it’s entirely possible to get both existing and potential customers to take notice of you, rather than your competition. Here are some of the best ways to encourage this.
#1. Novelty Marketing Methods:
When it comes to marketing efforts, today’s customers are used to it. Nobody is going to be wowed by Facebook banner ads, website pop-ups or being added to an email marketing list – it’s all fairly standard today, and being bombarded with advertisements has become the norm for anybody opening up their laptop or picking up their smartphone to go online. So, think outside of the box when it comes to marketing. Old-fashioned methods such as sending postcards, for example, are rarely used today. Therefore, you have an opportunity to take advantage of the gap and stand out from the crowd. Check out these great postcard design ideas for inspiration.
#2. Become an Authority:
Becoming an online ‘authority’ is trickier than it may sound, especially today when the web is filled with new content on an hourly basis. Standing out in your niche is even more difficult when you lack in knowledge, however, as your customers will expect brands to be knowledgeable about not just their own products and/or services, but also about the niche itself. Today, brands must be prepared to go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to providing their customers with information. Your audience will expect informational posts, videos, graphics, and a high level of customer engagement from your team to help them with any industry-related queries. Provide this through a highly-interactive, authority business blog or social media profile.
#3. Connect with the Audience:
The days of marketing being all about how great a product is and why you should spend your money on it are quickly dying out. Today, customers aren’t as bothered when it comes to learning about a product; the amount of competition available means that they can probably buy it or something similar elsewhere. When it comes to price, they know that a quick Google search will likely give them all the information that they need on where to find the best deals. So, what are they looking for in a brand? Today, customers want to shop with brands that they feel relate to them on a more personal, individual level. A strong level of customer service, prioritizing the online user experience and offering additional support, advice and information to your customers to help provide solutions to their industry-related problems all come under your brand’s ‘voice’, to connect with your audience on a human level.
Did these tips help? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.
No related posts. Caroe Caroe2017-05-31 10:00:002022-12-19 11:57:233 Marketing Tips to Stand Out to Your Customers
How can you increase customer engagement through live chat on your website?
Creative Agency Secrets live chat icon
A question I received and I thought the answers given were intriguing. Because after the obvious answers, yes it should engage – because people talking to people, if done respectfully, should successfully answer questions and possibly transact sales. But the risk here is for marketers to try to create inappropriate outcome measures like ‘engagement’ from customer service activities.
More people on the site should chat with the live chat representatives. These are real people. Don’t even think of trying to use bots. It undermines your brand – unless that’s what your brand values are – robotic.
Use more than one chat option
I would also recommend adding Facebook Messenger as a second live chat option. So many people use it in their private lives, it can be used to build trust with your brand in a medium the customer is already familiar with.
We have a mantra to “Write once: Use Three Times”. And chat is a great source of content for marketing.
We recommend using the chat interactions as source material for your content marketing. Every question should become an FAQ answer. And a blog post. And part of your product descriptions, and and and.
Did you know that you can also build a mailing list using the Facebook pixel from your Messenger interactions?
Using this, you can do push messaging using FB straight into Messenger which is an awesome replacement for email marketing. Particularly as many lists are suffering high unsubscribe rates from customers with over-loaded inboxes.
Happy to discuss further if you need.
Read more on related topics by clicking the icons below
No related posts. Caroe Caroe2017-05-24 10:49:392020-01-24 01:45:00Increase customer engagement through live chat
May I show you a little insider secret from the world of web marketing? It’s called a website rank check tool. It shows you a score out of 100 for how well your website is built, secured and how well it delivers marketing engagement.
My favourite one is the WooRank tool – I have it installed in the toolbar of my Chrome browser. But you can use this website or the HubSpot Website Grader Tool does a similar job – but from behind a registration paywall.
We use this when testing SEO on a website for clients. But you can do it yourself – we’ll show you how.
A case study Central Flowers
WooRank Website Test Tool
I read a lot of newsletters and when I got one from a printer and web design company, I clicked through to their gushing review of their team’s work building a website for their customer. So I decided to do an independent check on the website. It scored 52.3/100. Hardly a rip-roaring success for a new site.
You can see the result here and it demonstrates two things
The web team are only designing for HUMAN visitors, not SEARCH ROBOTS
The client is not expert in hiring and buying expertise.
First things first. The web team should know about these issues
Headings should be in a hierarchy (they choose to only use H1)
Three image Alt attributes missing (so search engines can’t index the image and link back)
No anchor text in several external links (except the one going to the web design company)
No language declared (so the search engines know it’s English)
No blog – so the web rankings won’t become good because the site won’t get regularly updated (this is a failure of marketing strategy more than web design)
Secure (SSL) website but registered to a different domain (a property management company)
These are hygiene factors. They show up the lack of quality control by both the developers and to a lesser extent by the client.
The #1 mistake business owners make when buying a new website
The mistake is to buy a pretty design layout. This is made by a designer.
What you need for an effective website is web development made by a web developer as well. This sets up the effective tools and structures which humans cannot see from a website front end. But robots and web search engines CAN see. And now you can too.
Go and test your website using the Hubspot or WooRank tools now. And send me the results.
Book in a 20 minute call and we will tell you what can be easily improved and how you can do it yourself (yes, really – most of these improvements do not require web development expertise, only editing in your CMS).
Or just buy the book.
No related posts. Caroe Caroe2017-05-23 13:30:182020-01-24 01:45:01How to test your website is working effectively
You cannot possibly compete online if you do not have a strong social media presence. It is one of the most influential platforms on the internet, so you must start developing engaging campaigns on the likes of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, if you haven’t already. Our goal is, therefore, to help you develop an effective social media strategy that will ensure you stand apart from your industry rivals.
Focus on Relationships Not Sales
Take a look at Dove’s social media presence; their goal is to inspire and promote confidence in people (particularly women) globally; selling soap appears to be a secondary objective to this positive message. Many beginners often make the mistake of giving it the hard sell when using social media for the first time; however, this will provide little to no value to your brand. If you want to engage with your followers, you need to give them a reason to follow you. While you might believe you have the best product in town, your target market might take a little convincing.
So, instead of pushing your goods and services onto social media followers, aim to create social media posts that make you different from your competitors. For example, you could launch an online competition, share helpful blogs and post high-quality photos for their enjoyment. You should only publish promotional ads every three to five social media posts.
Integrate Video Marketing
Some of the most inventive advertising is currently happening in video marketing. Take a look at this online advert for According to Cisco, online videos will make up more than 80% of consumer traffic by 2020. It is, therefore, a powerful tool to use on social media, as people are more likely to drop everything they are doing to watch a funny or informative video. You should strive to develop creative, entertaining and unique videos that make people not only want to follow your page but share your posts.
YouTube is also one of the most influential social media platforms, with more than one billion unique views each month. If you want to become a leading channel on YouTube, you should not only create innovative videos, but you could buy subscribers from Social Media Daily to boost your profile and encourage views and subscribers.
Listen to Feedback
Consumer feedback is the cornerstone of a successful business, as it allows a brand to refine their goods and services to improve customer satisfaction. Lego has long seen the value in working with customers to improve its products.
Social Media can be a superb platform to gain insights from your past, current and potential customers. You should ask questions to provide customers with a forum, so you can offer the perfect service – so it can be great for product development purposes and could save a company a significant amount of money in the future.
It is important to make your social media followers feel that they are more than just a number. L’Oreal encourages staff to use the hashtag #lifeatloreal to promote the culture at the organisation this, in turn, encourages consumers to see the company as human and approachable.
You should engage with your followers, responding to their comments, mentions and direct messages. It will prove to them that you are a caring brand that appreciates their social media following, which will encourage online and brand loyalty.
So, if you want to embark on an effective social media marketing strategy, you should aim to be creative, active and helpful in your online approach.
No related posts. Caroe Caroe2017-05-16 15:28:202022-01-27 14:50:34A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Marketing
Dear Globally Successful Technology Business Owner, logo and header
I am delighted that you have successfully bought a new domain for your business and are seeking to transfer the strong SEO from to the new domain.
Tough job.
Your marketing coordinator wrote to me with a list of URLs on my site which are pointing to the old domain. I understand how much easier it will be for you to regain Search Engine first page results if these are redirected to the new domain.
She asked “do us a huge favor” to change the hyperlinks and to “change any mentions of SumoMe to Sumo“.
This is actually a lot of work on my website.
So I wrote back
Dear Nxxxxx, This is a big ask. May I suggest you offer us something to compensate us for our time? Maybe two free months of usage?
Waiting for a response…. since April 7th, 2017.
Lots of love
Rebecca (Pissed off business owner)
Marketing Rant coming up…
It does NOT have to be like this.
Be innovative with how you ask for Testimonials [or other favours]. How about offering a charity donation, an internship, some free consulting with your experts…. so many choices and so little cost to the business.
I am sick and tired of corporations taking advantage of their hapless customers and when the ONE TIME that I have some influence over the situation – they expect me to roll over and act dumb.
What would you do?
PS. No, none of the links are active – so the lady doesn’t have to do more SEO work to resolve the redirects [free little joke from me there!]
No related posts. Caroe Caroe2017-05-09 15:00:432019-04-23 14:28:14An Open Letter to
What does it take to generate leads for your business?
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is about making search engines like Google and Bing show your website in the first positions of the results page. With more businesses utilising digital channels for business, it’s necessary to invest in your SEO strategy to remain competitive. If your audience can’t immediately find you online, you are severely inhibiting both growth and profitability.
“SEO isn’t the icing on the cake, it’s baked in from the start.” – Brian Clark, CEO of Copyblogger
On Thursday 25th of May, you can learn the skills needed to generate leads for your business through SEO in less than two hours. You will learn how SEO sits in the broader context of your marketing and brand building. This will help to increase the visibility of your website, all through simple tips and tricks that you will learn over breakfast.
Creative Agency Secrets and ColabNZ host this FREE training breakfast to demystify SEO and show what you need to know about modern SEO that works for your business.
In this seminar you will learn:
Why 99% of Websites Fail – your site’s ranking potential
How to Build Stronger Website SEO – the balance between design and SEO
Link Building Today: the Dos and Don’ts – quality, relevance, trust and authority
How to Manage Your Brand’s Reputation and Reviews – from content to credibility to conversion
How to Feed Your Optimised Website – the tools you need to dominate
What previous attendees had to say:
“I was wanting to go to get educated and was interested to hear how the Google algorithms have changed over time and what they’re doing now. Building stronger websites and optimising them stands out as something new for me.”
“I’m a complete SEO novice so I got a better understanding of what SEO means and how I can apply it to my business. It gave me a platform to make some decisions around the business.”
“The breakfast seminar was interesting, informative and full of useful tips and tools – so much so that I was inspired to put some of it into action as soon as I got back to work!”
Anna Radford, Co-Founder of Cadence Communications
Key Information
When: Thursday 25th May, 2017 at 7:30am – 9am
Where: ColabNZ HQ, 46 Albert Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010
You can also purchase along with your ticket a copy of the book “SEO For Growth” by John Jantsch, published in October 2016, and collect it in the event.
This book is a manual for modern SEO so there’s no need to be intimidated by online marketing. It is the perfect guide to help you learn how to use the internet successfully for sales growth.
Join us on Thursday, May 25th, 2017 at 7:30 am for a morning of SEO enlightenment. Agency Secrets Team Agency Secrets Team2017-04-27 13:19:122022-12-19 11:57:23SEO for Growth: Unleash the Potential of Your Website
3 Ways to Improve Customer Retention
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Sudip MuttAre you looking to build a loyal following among your customers? Great marketing strategies brought them to you, but now it’s your job to keep them. Marketing can only do so much and it is important to understand that there is nothing more effective than customer care when seeking to grow your market. Poor customer service is one of the leading reasons why so many consumers hop from one company to the next, and if you want to keep your current customer base while adding new customers along the way, it would pay to focus on making improvements to customer retentions skills.
Here are 3 of the most important to begin with.
1. Stop Talking and Start Listening
Sometimes it’s hard to stop talking about the products or services you are promoting because you, personally, know what they can do and how effective they are. Unfortunately, all the benefits you might be talking about may not be what the customer is looking for. Instead of giving them a sales pitch, why don’t you listen to exactly what it is they are looking for? What brought them to you may not be what they need, but by listening to them you may be able to provide them with an alternative solution. Consumers are literally fed up with high powered sales techniques and above all, they want to be heard!
2. When You MUST Talk – Give Them Something of Value
Sometimes you don’t need to say very much at all if you can point your customers in the direction of where they can find the information they are seeking.
For example, you are explaining a new electronic device your company just launched and a very important feature is the amazing circuitry on the printed circuit board or PCB. Many consumers are technologically challenged, so why not provide an extensive FAQ on your website? Give them information on exactly what a printed circuit board is and why its design is a critical element in your device. Perhaps any safeguards you’ve built in against hardware Trojans can be mentioned so they will know that you care about their security as well as making the almighty buck!
And Air New Zealand helps its customers work out what sort of holiday they prefer using a simple quiz. This groups customers into segments which will affect future messaging and content served to them. Gamifying customer segments increases engagement and helps customers to self-identify as different to the brand.
3. Improve Your Own Knowledge
It’s important at this point to know the difference between a consumer who knows little about electronics, for example, and a consumer who is market savvy. Just because they don’t know what a PCB is or how its design can impact the device you are promoting, doesn’t mean they can tell the difference between a salesman and a tech-savvy associate! If you want to retain customers, it pays
to learn as much as you can about the products and/or services you offer. You never know when that one answer to an important question a customer comes back with next week is the main reason they stay with your company for future sales.
In the end, it’s all about hearing what your customers are saying so that you can give them well-informed answers to any questions which might arise. If they can believe in you, the person they are communicating with, they can believe in your company. Salesforce says that as many as 70% of customers look for that all-important connection. Do you want to retain customers you’ve sold? Listen to what they are saying! Sometimes, it’s as simple as that.
No related posts.
Case Study: Three ways to increase referrals
/0 Comments/in B2B, Case Studies, Content Marketing, Marketing, Marketing ideas, Sales /by Rebecca CaroeWorking with a client who makes animated explainer videos – Case Study of how to grow referrals. We discuss three ways they can get more referral business.
Image by NWeSource
1. Innovations in your specialism
Every market changes over time – fads pass, new ideas surface. So write about what’s happening in your market. Consider writing about styles, techniques, innovations to be added onto an explainer video (if that’s your business). So which new styles are coming about? Where did each one come from – background and timeline of the evolution.
In the writing analyse the change, what are the component parts, which elements stand out. You could add in new uses for explainer videos – for example in a PitchPack video brochure.
The goal:
2. Create a Call list
You need to speak to people if you sell in Business to Business (B2B). The best way to start a dialogue is with Open Questions. These encourage a longer response from the other person and give you insight into their views on a topic. Any insight enables you to position your services as a solution to issues they raise.
Here’s an example of a call prompt (not really a script).
Can you imagine how the call will develop into a discussion?
Yes, so can I.
Whether you get a new job immediately or not, you stand a good chance of doing some good things
Create this call list from a list of all your clients from the past 3 years (more if you’ve been in business longer). Also add to the list from your Linked In connections and those from your co-workers. Goal to have 100 people on the list to call.
Plan on making 3 calls per week, per person in your team. Yes, new business development requires discipline and is hard. We can teach you how…
3. Getting Referrals
Start to build a referral marketing engine into your daily project work as well. We find what works best is to connect with them early in the project.
Start with a “Happy call” when you ring asking for feedback on how the job is going.
Then build on this with a similar call just after the project has been delivered. Remind them of what they said on the earlier call. This is the moment to ask for a testimonial for the project team.
After getting this, I usually wrap up by asking
My goal is to get two names of people as an introduction. My big tip to make this successful is to ask the question and then to stay silent until the other person has come up with a name…. stay silent as they “ummm” and say “maybe”, “well”, “I’m not sure” and still stay silent and they will 80% of the time come up with a name. If they firmly say no, you can prompt with – maybe a co-worker in a different team or maybe someone from your previous job and see if that can deliver a name.
How to use the introduction….. write an email to BOTH people. This is my template email that works.
Hi Alex,
Our AGENCY NAME has just completed a job for INTRODUCER and s/he suggested you as someone who might like to get to know us.
We completed an explainer video (link) for INTRODUCER.
I took a look at your website and [something helpful here which they can use immediately].
Looking forward to connecting.
Lots of love from Rebecca (only joking… use an appropriate sign off).
I always cc the introducer in this message so they know what I said.
In the email you could tell them about the customer satisfaction scores or Net Promoter Score which your team has acquired over time. Or link to TrustPilot Reviews or your Google My Business Review score.
The follow up call is just a friendly get to know you call. No selling. But if you feel it’s gone well you can follow up with an email linking to a helpful resource from your website. Here’s one I use frequently.
Cute eh?
Then you have to put them onto a stay-in-touch programme or ask if they will allow you to stay in touch with a newsletter subscription. Either way, one call won’t win you business but a dedicated process to provide utility (usefulness) to them, will ensure you are remembered and they take your calls in future.
No related posts.
How to Deal with Negative Online Reviews
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeOnline reviews are a cornerstone of how consumers make decisions whether to buy a product or not. If you see a product that you want, you will read through the reviews to make sure that you are going to be getting what you need from the product. If the product website does not have reviews, the odds are good that you are searching online for one that does have them. But what if you are the business that is getting reviewed? There is a certain level of expectation that you are not going to have 100% positive reviews, right? Here we discuss some ways that you can handle negative reviews online.
The Site Does Not Matter
It does not matter if the review was posted on a very well-known site or one that you might have never heard of, people will find it online. That means you have to take all of them seriously and get a plan in order so that you can defend your business against them. The first time that you see a negative online review about your business you are probably wishing that you had an online public relations degree. Build a plan and stick to it and then reviews will eventually get taken care of on all the sites they are posted to.
Contact the Review Site First
Depending on the review site where you found the negative review, you might be able to contact them about it. Take a minute and search through the site to see if you can find contact information relevant to your review and how to handle it properly. If you think the review was added by a competitor, you may have a leg to stand on to get it removed, but the process will have to be fool proof.
Join In and Engage The Reviewer
If the website that you find the negative reviews on allows you to respond to them, take a minute and do just that. Being able to explain the situation to them and possibly clear up the reasons they left the review is the first step to repairing your reputation. There is not really any need to hire a public relations expert for this, but an intern working towards an online masters in public relations might not be a bad place to start looking for help.
Always Encourage Positive Reviews from Customers
In many cases, and to keep things fair, you might find that negative reviews are not going to disappear from the internet. If that is the case, you can combat them by asking your future customers to leave positive reviews if they are satisfied with your business. There is nothing wrong with asking for some help if they are truly happy with your services. Over time, this will push the negative reviews and bring your overall average rating up, helping your business.
Take a minute to take a look at your business and if there is anything that might cause a negative review. There could be a few easy fixes that you can do to keep the negative reviews to a minimum. Good luck!
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3 Marketing Tips to Stand Out to Your Customers
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeEvery good business owner and marketer knows that standing out from the crowd is important when it comes to attracting the interest of potential customers. However, when millions of companies around the world are all competing for the top spots and the most customers, standing out from the crowd can often feel impossible. Yet, some companies manage to do it, so it’s entirely possible to get both existing and potential customers to take notice of you, rather than your competition. Here are some of the best ways to encourage this.
#1. Novelty Marketing Methods:
When it comes to marketing efforts, today’s customers are used to it. Nobody is going to be wowed by Facebook banner ads, website pop-ups or being added to an email marketing list – it’s all fairly standard today, and being bombarded with advertisements has become the norm for anybody opening up their laptop or picking up their smartphone to go online. So, think outside of the box when it comes to marketing. Old-fashioned methods such as sending postcards, for example, are rarely used today. Therefore, you have an opportunity to take advantage of the gap and stand out from the crowd. Check out these great postcard design ideas for inspiration.
#2. Become an Authority:
Becoming an online ‘authority’ is trickier than it may sound, especially today when the web is filled with new content on an hourly basis. Standing out in your niche is even more difficult when you lack in knowledge, however, as your customers will expect brands to be knowledgeable about not just their own products and/or services, but also about the niche itself. Today, brands must be prepared to go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to providing their customers with information. Your audience will expect informational posts, videos, graphics, and a high level of customer engagement from your team to help them with any industry-related queries. Provide this through a highly-interactive, authority business blog or social media profile.
#3. Connect with the Audience:
The days of marketing being all about how great a product is and why you should spend your money on it are quickly dying out. Today, customers aren’t as bothered when it comes to learning about a product; the amount of competition available means that they can probably buy it or something similar elsewhere. When it comes to price, they know that a quick Google search will likely give them all the information that they need on where to find the best deals. So, what are they looking for in a brand? Today, customers want to shop with brands that they feel relate to them on a more personal, individual level. A strong level of customer service, prioritizing the online user experience and offering additional support, advice and information to your customers to help provide solutions to their industry-related problems all come under your brand’s ‘voice’, to connect with your audience on a human level.
Did these tips help? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.
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Increase customer engagement through live chat
/0 Comments/in B2B, B2C, Case Studies, Digital media, Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeA question I received and I thought the answers given were intriguing. Because after the obvious answers, yes it should engage – because people talking to people, if done respectfully, should successfully answer questions and possibly transact sales. But the risk here is for marketers to try to create inappropriate outcome measures like ‘engagement’ from customer service activities.
More people on the site should chat with the live chat representatives. These are real people. Don’t even think of trying to use bots. It undermines your brand – unless that’s what your brand values are – robotic.
Use more than one chat option
I would also recommend adding Facebook Messenger as a second live chat option. So many people use it in their private lives, it can be used to build trust with your brand in a medium the customer is already familiar with.
Try this integration for Messenger [disclaimer – I’ve never tried it].
Create a secondary output from chat
We have a mantra to “Write once: Use Three Times”. And chat is a great source of content for marketing.
We recommend using the chat interactions as source material for your content marketing. Every question should become an FAQ answer. And a blog post. And part of your product descriptions, and and and.
Did you know that you can also build a mailing list using the Facebook pixel from your Messenger interactions?
Using this, you can do push messaging using FB straight into Messenger which is an awesome replacement for email marketing. Particularly as many lists are suffering high unsubscribe rates from customers with over-loaded inboxes.
Happy to discuss further if you need.
Read more on related topics by clicking the icons below
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How to test your website is working effectively
/2 Comments/in B2C, Case Studies, Content Marketing, Local Marketing, Marketing, SEO /by Rebecca CaroeMay I show you a little insider secret from the world of web marketing? It’s called a website rank check tool. It shows you a score out of 100 for how well your website is built, secured and how well it delivers marketing engagement.
My favourite one is the WooRank tool – I have it installed in the toolbar of my Chrome browser. But you can use this website or the HubSpot Website Grader Tool does a similar job – but from behind a registration paywall.
We use this when testing SEO on a website for clients. But you can do it yourself – we’ll show you how.
A case study Central Flowers
WooRank Website Test Tool
I read a lot of newsletters and when I got one from a printer and web design company, I clicked through to their gushing review of their team’s work building a website for their customer. So I decided to do an independent check on the website. It scored 52.3/100. Hardly a rip-roaring success for a new site.
You can see the result here and it demonstrates two things
First things first. The web team should know about these issues
These are hygiene factors. They show up the lack of quality control by both the developers and to a lesser extent by the client.
The #1 mistake business owners make when buying a new website
The mistake is to buy a pretty design layout. This is made by a designer.
What you need for an effective website is web development made by a web developer as well. This sets up the effective tools and structures which humans cannot see from a website front end. But robots and web search engines CAN see. And now you can too.
Go and test your website using the Hubspot or WooRank tools now. And send me the results.
Book in a 20 minute call and we will tell you what can be easily improved and how you can do it yourself (yes, really – most of these improvements do not require web development expertise, only editing in your CMS).
Or just buy the book.
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A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Marketing
/0 Comments/in Social Media /by Rebecca CaroeYou cannot possibly compete online if you do not have a strong social media presence. It is one of the most influential platforms on the internet, so you must start developing engaging campaigns on the likes of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, if you haven’t already. Our goal is, therefore, to help you develop an effective social media strategy that will ensure you stand apart from your industry rivals.
Focus on Relationships Not Sales
Take a look at Dove’s social media presence; their goal is to inspire and promote confidence in people (particularly women) globally; selling soap appears to be a secondary objective to this positive message. Many beginners often make the mistake of giving it the hard sell when using social media for the first time; however, this will provide little to no value to your brand. If you want to engage with your followers, you need to give them a reason to follow you. While you might believe you have the best product in town, your target market might take a little convincing.
So, instead of pushing your goods and services onto social media followers, aim to create social media posts that make you different from your competitors. For example, you could launch an online competition, share helpful blogs and post high-quality photos for their enjoyment. You should only publish promotional ads every three to five social media posts.
Integrate Video Marketing
Some of the most inventive advertising is currently happening in video marketing. Take a look at this online advert for According to Cisco, online videos will make up more than 80% of consumer traffic by 2020. It is, therefore, a powerful tool to use on social media, as people are more likely to drop everything they are doing to watch a funny or informative video. You should strive to develop creative, entertaining and unique videos that make people not only want to follow your page but share your posts.
YouTube is also one of the most influential social media platforms, with more than one billion unique views each month. If you want to become a leading channel on YouTube, you should not only create innovative videos, but you could buy subscribers from Social Media Daily to boost your profile and encourage views and subscribers.
Listen to Feedback
Consumer feedback is the cornerstone of a successful business, as it allows a brand to refine their goods and services to improve customer satisfaction. Lego has long seen the value in working with customers to improve its products.
Social Media can be a superb platform to gain insights from your past, current and potential customers. You should ask questions to provide customers with a forum, so you can offer the perfect service – so it can be great for product development purposes and could save a company a significant amount of money in the future.
It is important to make your social media followers feel that they are more than just a number. L’Oreal encourages staff to use the hashtag #lifeatloreal to promote the culture at the organisation this, in turn, encourages consumers to see the company as human and approachable.
You should engage with your followers, responding to their comments, mentions and direct messages. It will prove to them that you are a caring brand that appreciates their social media following, which will encourage online and brand loyalty.
So, if you want to embark on an effective social media marketing strategy, you should aim to be creative, active and helpful in your online approach.
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An Open Letter to
/5 Comments/in B2B, Marketing ideas, SEO /by Rebecca CaroeDear Globally Successful Technology Business Owner, logo and header
I am delighted that you have successfully bought a new domain for your business and are seeking to transfer the strong SEO from to the new domain.
Tough job.
Your marketing coordinator wrote to me with a list of URLs on my site which are pointing to the old domain. I understand how much easier it will be for you to regain Search Engine first page results if these are redirected to the new domain.
This is actually a lot of work on my website.
So I wrote back
Waiting for a response…. since April 7th, 2017.
Lots of love
Rebecca (Pissed off business owner)
Marketing Rant coming up…
It does NOT have to be like this.
Be innovative with how you ask for Testimonials [or other favours]. How about offering a charity donation, an internship, some free consulting with your experts…. so many choices and so little cost to the business.
I am sick and tired of corporations taking advantage of their hapless customers and when the ONE TIME that I have some influence over the situation – they expect me to roll over and act dumb.
What would you do?
PS. No, none of the links are active – so the lady doesn’t have to do more SEO work to resolve the redirects [free little joke from me there!]
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SEO for Growth: Unleash the Potential of Your Website
/0 Comments/in Marketing, Public Speaking, SEO /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamWhat does it take to generate leads for your business?
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is about making search engines like Google and Bing show your website in the first positions of the results page. With more businesses utilising digital channels for business, it’s necessary to invest in your SEO strategy to remain competitive. If your audience can’t immediately find you online, you are severely inhibiting both growth and profitability.
On Thursday 25th of May, you can learn the skills needed to generate leads for your business through SEO in less than two hours. You will learn how SEO sits in the broader context of your marketing and brand building. This will help to increase the visibility of your website, all through simple tips and tricks that you will learn over breakfast.
Creative Agency Secrets and ColabNZ host this FREE training breakfast to demystify SEO and show what you need to know about modern SEO that works for your business.
In this seminar you will learn:
What previous attendees had to say:
“I was wanting to go to get educated and was interested to hear how the Google algorithms have changed over time and what they’re doing now. Building stronger websites and optimising them stands out as something new for me.”
Jeff Watkins, Director of BrandMedia
“I’m a complete SEO novice so I got a better understanding of what SEO means and how I can apply it to my business. It gave me a platform to make some decisions around the business.”
Rebecca Churchill, Director of Electric Fish
“The breakfast seminar was interesting, informative and full of useful tips and tools – so much so that I was inspired to put some of it into action as soon as I got back to work!”
Anna Radford, Co-Founder of Cadence Communications
Key Information
When: Thursday 25th May, 2017 at 7:30am – 9am
Where: ColabNZ HQ, 46 Albert Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010
You can also purchase along with your ticket a copy of the book “SEO For Growth” by John Jantsch, published in October 2016, and collect it in the event.
This book is a manual for modern SEO so there’s no need to be intimidated by online marketing. It is the perfect guide to help you learn how to use the internet successfully for sales growth.
Join us on Thursday, May 25th, 2017 at 7:30 am for a morning of SEO enlightenment.
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