Search Marketing Smarts: Rising to the Top of Google Page Rankings

In today’s competitive economy, reaching the top tiers of any internet search is vital to surviving and growing as a company. More than ever, people take to the internet the first chance they get to find the goods and services they are looking for, and if you aren’t one of the selected few that show […]

bad copy, unclear business name,

What do you do? Explain, clearly or lose leads

I want to showcase this list of three businesses who want to grow their international connections.  Shared by a reputable international facilitator organisation, these exemplify the utter incompetence of smart people when answering the question “What do you do?”. I despair. How to differentiate your business We did some work this week with a consultancy who describe […]

BC Stack 2017

Being Proactive About Your Digital Marketing Proficiency

The rapid pace of innovation in the digital marketing sphere means staying up-to-date and informed on topics in the industry is an essential skill. Google offers a good starting point for research, however, access to a curated compilation of tutorials can give you a greater advantage. We’d like to congratulate Dan Morris and Rachel Martin from […]

how to get subscribers to my email newsletter

How to Get Subscribers to My Email Newsletter?

I just started a curated newsletter about personal finance for millennials. Each issue includes 10 curated articles from various sources about investing, budgeting, paying off loans, and etc. I do not have any subscribers yet. Well done – getting started. Focus on Your Marketing Assets Let’s help you work out the key answers you need: […]

social media conference 2017 auckland

Become Social Media Savvy with the Social Media Conference 2017

This September, the Social Media Conference is happening again! We are big fans of the content, even more so this year because our very own Rebecca Caroe is a speaker! Are you looking to use Social Media to benefit your business but just don’t know how? Social Media isn’t just for kids these days. In […]

Can you tell when you’ve found the right business in search?

I was searching for a music streaming service for classical music.  But I got the name wrong. I knew I had not found the right business in my search results when I clicked through to the best result, and found this website design (top image).  Realising my mistake, I quickly revised my search (by spelling the […]

NZ Entrepreneur Magazine features our article

We are stoked that this month’s NZ Entrepreneur Magazine has published an article by Rebecca.  Called   Marketing Strategies to Grow and Scale a local business, it sets out 12 top tactics for local marketing. Subscribe to NZ Entrepreneur Magazine to get it monthly delivered to your inbox. No related posts.

Ranking Factors 2017 report from SEMRush

What’s new in SEO? 5 actions to do today

Last week I got the latest research on SEO from trusted brand SEM Rush.  You can download and read their report Ranking Factors 2017 in SEO. Creative Agency Secrets has read the whole report and below are 5 SEO tasks you can initiate immediately for your own website or ecommerce store. The report has a […]

What is an Expert?

How to hire any expert e.g. a website developer

It’s really easy to find a specialist supplier.  It’s really difficult to find out if they are any good at that specialism.  Especially when it is in an area that you know nothing about. Giving a keynote speech to an industry group recently I was stunned to find how many felt that they did not have […]

You are invited to… UNLOCKED: SEO and Video Secrets

Don’t be a Digital Caveman! After the success of our last SEO event, Creative Agency Secrets has teamed with KOR Creative to bring you Unlocked: SEO and Video Secrets! With more customers reaching for businesses that utilise digital channels, it pays to invest in a good online strategy. SEO can help your website gain more traffic and […]