Golden Questions

A “Golden Question” is one in which the answer tells you more than the question itself would imply. Useful for research, discovery and us biz dev types who need to quickly assess new prospects and whether they will buy from us. I learnt about it from Don Peppers who integrated it into his CRM method […]

Guest Post: How to Create a Powerful Sales Presentation – Chris Gallagher

As a business development agency with an involvement in the entire sales process, we help our clients to influence the brands we’ve created opportunities to pitch to. This article of insightful tips helps you to structure a professional and powerful sales presentation so that you can pitch your agency with conviction, confidence, and clarity. Tip […]

Business Development Methodology

I frequently work with clients on their biz dev – as a means of growing a business it is without compare IMHO. I know my methods and there is a reasonably straightforward base template of activities and actions which then get customised for each situation (depending on experience, cash, skills and time available). Two of […]