I read an article about airline spend on glossy safety videos and found some great marketing reasons for investing in high production values. First – aligning cultural values with education. Air New Zealand partnered with the Department of Conservation (DOC) to promote the importance of wildlife protection. That was after they did a movie hook […]
https://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/Airnz-safety-1.png5381534Rebecca Caroehttps://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpgRebecca Caroe2025-03-25 14:58:212025-03-25 14:58:21Airline safety videos are a great messaging platform
New ideas often receive pushback. That’s because they’re new, they represent change and that can be threatening to jobs, budgets and ‘the way we work round here’. It doesn’t mean they are necessarily a bad idea. I find that frequently it takes a couple of goes to overcome the pushback and also it takes some […]
Use your experience of life, of human communication and decision making to work out times in the customer journey when personal, individual, manual actions will have greater effect. I love using letters, phone calls, SMS – all great tools for use cases when you need cut through and to effect human-to-human contact as a context […]
https://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/marielle-ursua-l7AVeJi1RMk-unsplash-1-scaled.jpg19202560Rebecca Caroehttps://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpgRebecca Caroe2025-03-16 09:18:462025-03-20 09:19:00Not everything is enhanced with AI.
The inexperienced new business development marketer will disagree with that statement. Why wouldn’t you want more prospects in your pipeline? The customer doesn’t owe you their business – but they do owe you an answer. Creating marketing tactics that provoke the prospect to answer “no” is a good thing. Sales know not to pursue them […]
https://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/petr-machacek-BeVGrXEktIk-unsplash-scaled.jpg17072560Rebecca Caroehttps://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpgRebecca Caroe2025-03-12 09:20:392025-03-20 09:23:57Getting a “no” is a good result for the sales pipeline
Sam Irvine is CEO of Copyright Licensing New Zealand – as a B2B marketer he understands the use cases for AI and marketing. There are two main ones, you can use it internally to manage processes as organisational AI and secondly for external outputs like campaigns and marketing material creation. Good and Bad AI Actors […]
https://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/marketing-and-AI.png9261694Rebecca Caroehttps://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpgRebecca Caroe2023-09-27 13:45:042023-09-27 13:45:04Marketing with AI - a warning
It launched. The “new” rival to Twitter. And there have been many attempts to become serious players in the social media space. Read the list of Launch > Defunction > Acquisition > Milestone. Meta will be closely watching our early behaviour on the platform. What we do now may well influence the features, algorithm and […]
https://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Twitter-join.png5821212Rebecca Caroehttps://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpgRebecca Caroe2023-07-07 08:59:292023-07-07 12:10:19Threads social - early thoughts
I am a panelist at the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs summit talking about Social Media, Marketing and communications. Three talking points and answers From your experience in B2B Marketing, what do you think our Pacific & Maori business women who target businesses as customers should focus on for their marketing activities? Understand the customer – […]
I attended the Marketing Association’s B2B meetup and here’s my write-up on the event. Key learnings Use what you have to the fullest extent – all functionality Simplify your stack NOW Check your use case matches your technology Bring the team with you – upskill them to be confident using technology Match your MarTech Stack […]
A client wanted a list of all the different interests which you can select on Facebook to refine a advertising campaign. Here’s some research I found these pages which purport to have the full list of interests for Facebook advertising. some are more recent than others. The last link suggests a layering strategy which may help https://interestexplorer.io/facebook-interests-list/ […]
Event invite copywriting – a “before” and “after” comparison. First I analyse each paragraph – what’s it about? The draft I was sent was structured like this – The Promise – Sow Doubt – Question (which will be answered) – List of Sales Points – Speakers & event details When I finished rewriting it, the […]
Airline safety videos are a great messaging platform
/0 Comments/in B2B, B2C, Strategy /by Rebecca CaroeI read an article about airline spend on glossy safety videos and found some great marketing reasons for investing in high production values. First – aligning cultural values with education. Air New Zealand partnered with the Department of Conservation (DOC) to promote the importance of wildlife protection. That was after they did a movie hook […]
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New ideas often receive pushback
/0 Comments/in B2B, Conferences / Exhibitions /by Rebecca CaroeNew ideas often receive pushback. That’s because they’re new, they represent change and that can be threatening to jobs, budgets and ‘the way we work round here’. It doesn’t mean they are necessarily a bad idea. I find that frequently it takes a couple of goes to overcome the pushback and also it takes some […]
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Not everything is enhanced with AI.
/0 Comments/in AI, B2B /by Rebecca CaroeUse your experience of life, of human communication and decision making to work out times in the customer journey when personal, individual, manual actions will have greater effect. I love using letters, phone calls, SMS – all great tools for use cases when you need cut through and to effect human-to-human contact as a context […]
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Getting a “no” is a good result for the sales pipeline
/0 Comments/in B2B, Lead Generation, Sales /by Rebecca CaroeThe inexperienced new business development marketer will disagree with that statement. Why wouldn’t you want more prospects in your pipeline? The customer doesn’t owe you their business – but they do owe you an answer. Creating marketing tactics that provoke the prospect to answer “no” is a good thing. Sales know not to pursue them […]
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Marketing with AI – a warning
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeSam Irvine is CEO of Copyright Licensing New Zealand – as a B2B marketer he understands the use cases for AI and marketing. There are two main ones, you can use it internally to manage processes as organisational AI and secondly for external outputs like campaigns and marketing material creation. Good and Bad AI Actors […]
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Threads social – early thoughts
/1 Comment/in Social Media /by Rebecca CaroeIt launched. The “new” rival to Twitter. And there have been many attempts to become serious players in the social media space. Read the list of Launch > Defunction > Acquisition > Milestone. Meta will be closely watching our early behaviour on the platform. What we do now may well influence the features, algorithm and […]
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AWE Pacific Summit 2023
/0 Comments/in B2B, Local Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeI am a panelist at the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs summit talking about Social Media, Marketing and communications. Three talking points and answers From your experience in B2B Marketing, what do you think our Pacific & Maori business women who target businesses as customers should focus on for their marketing activities? Understand the customer – […]
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Simplify your martech stack
/0 Comments/in B2B /by Rebecca CaroeI attended the Marketing Association’s B2B meetup and here’s my write-up on the event. Key learnings Use what you have to the fullest extent – all functionality Simplify your stack NOW Check your use case matches your technology Bring the team with you – upskill them to be confident using technology Match your MarTech Stack […]
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Facebook “interests” crib sheet
/0 Comments/in Advertising /by Rebecca CaroeA client wanted a list of all the different interests which you can select on Facebook to refine a advertising campaign. Here’s some research I found these pages which purport to have the full list of interests for Facebook advertising. some are more recent than others. The last link suggests a layering strategy which may help https://interestexplorer.io/facebook-interests-list/ […]
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Event Invitation Copywriting
/1 Comment/in Conferences / Exhibitions, Copywriting, Lead Generation /by Rebecca CaroeEvent invite copywriting – a “before” and “after” comparison. First I analyse each paragraph – what’s it about? The draft I was sent was structured like this – The Promise – Sow Doubt – Question (which will be answered) – List of Sales Points – Speakers & event details When I finished rewriting it, the […]
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