Coming up with brand name ideas is no easy task. However, companies like NAMIFY are making it easy for businesses of all sizes to create unique, memorable brand names that will help them stand out from the competition. There are a few things to remember when brainstorming brand name ideas. Below are some things to consider when creating your brand name and why this process is important.
Does My Company Need a Brand?
All companies need a brand, which is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the eyes of the customer.
Take the time to research your industry and target market. This research will better understand what your customers are looking for and how you can reach them. You must know the competition and what sets your company apart to create a strong brand.
It’s also important to clearly understand your company’s values and mission. Your brand should reflect these values and be appealing to your target market. Remember that your brand will be customers’ first impression of your company. Studies show that it takes a mere seven seconds to make a first impression, so first impressions matter to consumers.
Creating a Memorable Brand Name
Brand recognition is the ability of consumers to identify a particular brand. The best brand names are easy to remember and can be easily associated with the company or product. To create a memorable brand name, it’s essential to keep it short, simple, and easy to pronounce.
The better your brand recognition, the more likely customers are to purchase from you. To help you create memorable brand names, use a service like NAMIFY to create bold, easy-to-remember names that can help you stand out from the competition.
Ideas To Create a Brand Name
There are several ways to come up with brand name ideas. The best way is to use a tool like NAMIFY, which can help you create unique, memorable names for your business or product. Another way to generate brand name ideas is to brainstorm with a group. Group brainstorming sessions can help you generate various ideas and get feedback on the names you come up with.
When creating a brand name for your new business, it’s essential to consider the industry or niche you will be operating in. This will ensure that the name aligns with your business and helps establish your brand identity. For example, if you are starting a jewelry business, consider incorporating the word jewelry into your brand name, as it will make it easier to establish your brand identity, including your niche in your site’s domain name, and take advantage of related keywords.
You can also use a thesaurus to find synonyms for words related to your industry. Using a thesaurus can help you create brand names that are unique and descriptive. Finally, you can look at other companies in your industry to see what they’ve named their products or services. While you don’t want to copy them, this can give you some inspiration for your own brand name.
Ways to Test Your Brand Name
Once you’ve come up with a few brand name ideas, testing them out is important, as it can help you see how your target market will receive the names.
One way to test your brand name is to conduct a focus group, which is where you gather a group of people in your target market and ask them their thoughts on the names you’ve come up with. This can give you some valuable feedback on which name is the most memorable and appealing.
Another way to test your brand name is to do a Google search, which will show you how many other companies are using the same or similar names. Choosing a unique name that will help you stand out from the competition is important.
Why Is Creating a Brand Name Important?
Creating a strong brand is important for any company, large or small. The more successful your company becomes, the more your brand name will matter. A brand can help you attract new customers, build customer loyalty, and differentiate yourself from the competition.
Event Invitation Copywriting
/1 Comment/in Conferences / Exhibitions, Copywriting, Lead Generation /by Rebecca CaroeEvent invite copywriting – a “before” and “after” comparison.
First I analyse each paragraph – what’s it about?
The draft I was sent was structured like this
When I finished rewriting it, the order had changed to
Why will this work better?
The emotional journey is defined and reassurance is included when the Promise comes later in the messaging.
Also the empathetic sentences help the reader to judge quickly if the event is ‘right’ for their needs or not. You don’t want tyre-kickers coming along, do you?
If you’d like to see the full text of before and after #copywriting #B2Bmarketing. Message me.
I would like to do more writing like this for #Brands who need #directresponse marketing done well.
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Grow email newsletter sign ups
/0 Comments/in Copywriting /by Rebecca CaroeToday I got a lesson about writing in plain English.
Write clearly, say what you mean…. AND most importantly, write what you want the reader to DO at the start of the sentence.
We were working on getting email newsletter sign ups.
“What’s your best email if you’d like to get our weekly newsletter? It’s full of tips and is totally optional.”
Option 2
“What’s your email? Get our newsletter – with loads of tips. (It’s optional).”
Switched out the first one for the second last week.
Around 23% increase in take-up rate.
Newsletter best practices
A quick list
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Networking to find a job
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeThere’s a recession coming.
What does that mean for marketing jobs? Two things – a lot of in-house teams will be “let go”. [I hate that phrase.] Secondly, a lot of freelance, contracting and short term jobs will be created.
When enterprise finds resources constrained, an easy way to de-risk is to use self-employed talent on an as-needs basis. You know the expenditure, the duration and it can be tied to project delivery too.
Will you win marketing contract work?
In all likelihood not, especially if you rely on getting hired from job adverts.
It’s supply and demand. The supply is too high and it’s very hard to stand out from the crowd. You won’t be the cheapest (some employers will want that); you may not be the best (they’ll hire someone they already know for this) and you likely won’t be the first to apply either.
What to do?
Use. Your. Network.
Yes, your friends, past colleagues, acquaintances and work connections are your network. They are key to getting your next work placement.
Anyone who puts forward someone they know for a job will stand out – you will go to the top of the pile, you have a recommendation and an endorsement from a trusted third party AND if you’re good enough, the employer won’t bother advertising the role.
That’s how to bypass the crowd and land your next marketing job.
LinkedIn Rocks
This situation is when you have a hidden advantage – the network you have already built.
I posted this onto my profile.
The result? Several nice public comments about my skills. In private – over a dozen serious enquiries from employers.
Why does this text work?
Firstly, it has a strong headline. It creates impact by being short and to the point.
The next sentence is only partially visible and the reader has to click the “more” button to read it. That tells LInkedIn that this is interesting content – which boosts the algorithmic display properties of this post.
The short list of industries and skills enable the reader to quickly qualify themselves in or out. This means you don’t get contacted by people who are not right for your skills and areas of expertise.
The “ask” is also short, and generously worded.
Hat tip to Justin who did it first.
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The Essential Checklist for Choosing a Tradeshow Company
/0 Comments/in Conferences / Exhibitions /by Rebecca CaroeYou’ll need a lot of planning and preparation for a trade show. You must create a budget, craft your brand message, set goals for attending the event, and prepare your supplies in advance. Choosing a tradeshow exhibit company to assist you with this can help you to get the most out of your investment.
Craft your brand message
There are many things to consider when choosing a tradeshow exhibit company. One of the first steps is getting a good idea of your business and its offers. Once you have a clear picture of what you want to achieve, it’s time to start thinking about what you can do to make your brand stand out. One way to accomplish this is to build an integrated marketing campaign that includes print, online, and even electronic outreach. This way, your booth can be the center of attention while still being able to connect with your prospective customers. Another effective tactic is to offer giveaways that tie into the central theme of your exhibit. These may include promotional items such as pens, key chains, or t-shirts. However, it would be best if you were careful not to overwhelm visitors with too many choices.
Set specific goals for attending a tradeshow
You must set specific goals to make the most of your 7 Trade Show Booth Ideas for Small Budgets. While getting caught up in the event’s excitement is easy, setting goals can keep you, and your team focused. Whether you’re exhibiting your company’s products or services, setting specific goals will help you get the most out of your investment. The right goals can put you ahead of your competitors. Your goal could be to increase your brand awareness. An excellent way to do this is to make a memorable first impression. For example, you could offer prospects a personalized photo of yourself if they fill out a personality quiz. Or you can acquire a few email addresses. Identifying your goals before the event will make choosing an exhibit company that fits your needs more leisurely. Make sure your goals are in line with your marketing plan.
Set a realistic budget
Getting ready for a trade show can be a costly process. Setting a realistic budget to make the most of your investment is essential. Let’s start by planning early. One of the most considerable costs involved with exhibiting is booth space. The cost of a booth can range from twenty to thirty-eight percent of your total budget. While you may be tempted to go for a more affordable booth space, sacrificing quality can result in your trade show needing to be taken more seriously. For an adequate budget, you need to take into account several factors. These include the size of your market and your target audience. It is also essential to account for the amount of time you dedicate to your display and your goals for the show.
Follow up on trade show performance
If you are looking for a tradeshow exhibit company, you will want to ensure they can help you measure and improve your post-show performance. The best way to achieve this goal is to set objectives and metrics before the event. Those objectives should include the sales and non-sales goals of your team. Measuring and tracking the effectiveness of these goals is an essential aspect of any marketing campaign. For example, your objective may be to generate leads, but how can you determine whether or not those leads were generated through effective meetings, foot traffic management, and lead tracking? Some critical metrics for trade shows include the number of contacts invited to the show, the number of press distribution entries added, new connections made, and the progression of CRM prospects in the funnel view. However, you must note that these measures are just some of the ones you should consider.
Additional resources
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3 simple new business hacks for 2022
/1 Comment/in B2B, Social Media /by Rebecca CaroeI”m always looking for new clients and customers when working with a B2B brand n their marketing.
Sometimes I see a cute tool or tactic and today I’m sharing three of them.
Home page call to action
Loved this because it shows light humour and a pretty persuasive message. Yes, I have scrolled a long way down the page (this is just above the footer) and so maybe I SHOULD be booking a demo or contacting the sales team.
The copywriting is clear, simple and unambiguous.
Clear B2B copywriting
LinkedIn last names
Frequently on LinkedIn, people with whom I’m not closely connected have their last name (surname) hidden or only the first initial letter published.
For many, this is easily solved.
Clicm on the person and open their full profile.
Check the URL
LinkedIn uses your full name (as registered on the site) as your unique URL identifier.
You can probably work out the last name and first name from this URL.
How to find last name in LinkedIn URL
Improve your Social Media Bio
There are lots of list sites which allow you to publish a list of URLs which you’re associated or have profile on. Here’s a new one set up by Squarespace – BioSites.
As their launch promo says
They make it easy for you by supplying template designs.
Alternatives are Linkkle and Allmylinks.
BONUS – my reflections on LinkedIn Groups and Company followers
I am constantly frustrated by LinkedIn Groups – they used to be great places to build community but since their prominence in the news feed has been dialled down to zero, most are invisible.
These used to be good places to find prospects – folks interested in your products and services. Since few people join groups nowadays, they are becoming a redundant part of the LI platform.
Time to make an offline list of the members and try to connect with them elsewhere – preferably on a platform or medium which you control.
Company follower lists are another good place to find prospects – and often competitors!
There are a range of ways to download these – contact me to find out the latest easy method.
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The Most Common Mistakes That Beginner App Developers Make And How To Avoid Them
/0 Comments/in eCommerce /by Sudip MuttThe app development industry is incredibly lucrative, and many businesses, both small independents and large corporations can profit greatly from this business. There are many different types of apps out there being released daily, from educational and informative apps to games and entertainment apps and everything in between. Unfortunately, as with every industry, plenty of inexperienced and new developers fall victim to some of the more common mistakes in the app development world. The best way to deal with these mistakes is to understand them and avoid them. To help develop your understanding of the things that can go wrong during app development, we’ve listed some common mistakes so you can keep yourself on course and reduce the number of potential pitfalls in your path.
Not Planning Properly
The first mistake many developers can make is simply rushing ahead and failing to plan their business and projects properly. Of course, it’s understandable for people to want to jump into this industry headfirst and start creating some great software for people to enjoy, especially because of how profitable this industry can be. However, failing to plan ahead can bring your business to a screeching halt when you run into a problem that you just cannot fix. While planning won’t guarantee an infallible business model, it can definitely reduce the risk of you running into these issues. An in-depth mobile app business plan should include everything from market research and budgets to the development process and launch plans. You’ll want to spend plenty of time on this to ensure things go as smoothly as possible.
Allowing Feature Creep
One problem developers run into, whether for a big triple-A game title or a small independent app, is feature creep. This is where you will continuously discover new features you want to add to the game and prolong the development process. This is especially common when you aren’t limited to a specific timeframe. However, while delays are to be expected with the squashing of bugs and handling of unexpected setbacks, delaying a release so that you can add features that weren’t originally planned is just going to kill the hype for your product and frustrate your fans. This is especially problematic if you’ve drummed up a lot of interest via marketing and social media efforts, only to spring delay after delay onto your audience when you could have just released the app and updated it with new features later on.
Not Considering Security
A big problem for new developers is not taking the security of their apps seriously. Today, while security systems are becoming much more advanced and reliable, so too are hacking methods and software exploits. Due to the increased connectivity of software to things like the cloud, there are much higher chances of data breaches and other security threats. Vulnerabilities in apps can be exploited by hackers allowing them to gain access to sensitive information. This can be counteracted using things like application security testing, such as the types described in ForAllSecure’s guide. Software testing can put your app through its paces and flag up any potential security risks in the design of the software, allowing you to work to patch these issues and decrease the risk of a successful cyber attack after you release the app to the public.
Failing To Develop A Good UI
One of the more important aspects of software development, especially things like mobile apps, is the user interface. A hard-to-navigate interface with confusing buttons, hard-to-read text, and broken features are an issue for a few different reasons. First of all, your users are going to get frustrated and disappointed by this, as they’re not going to have a pleasant time trying to use your app, no matter how great the features are as a whole. Alongside this, it’s going to look very unprofessional if your app isn’t visually appealing and the user interface isn’t as clear as possible. If your business ends up looking unprofessional, this could impact your sales and reduce your potential profits. This is why it is critical to ensure that your customers will have a great user interface to use, improving the overall user experience.
Not Communicating With Their Team
If you’ve worked with a team before, especially if you’ve led a team, you’ll understand the importance of communication. Unfortunately, even with this understanding, proper communication isn’t always guaranteed, and many things can slip through the cracks. A lot of the problems that arise during the development process can easily be chalked up to a breakdown of communications, such as people being unaware of who is working on which part of the project. This can lead to certain things being left unfinished or people making critical mistakes. Reduce the risk of this happening by ensuring that you and your team over-communicate and don’t leave things to chance. Consider using project management software, too, so that everyone can be as clued up as possible on the progress of your project and understand who is working on what.
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How to Create Brand Name Ideas
/0 Comments/in Branding /by Rebecca CaroeComing up with brand name ideas is no easy task. However, companies like NAMIFY are making it easy for businesses of all sizes to create unique, memorable brand names that will help them stand out from the competition. There are a few things to remember when brainstorming brand name ideas. Below are some things to consider when creating your brand name and why this process is important.
Does My Company Need a Brand?
All companies need a brand, which is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the eyes of the customer.
Take the time to research your industry and target market. This research will better understand what your customers are looking for and how you can reach them. You must know the competition and what sets your company apart to create a strong brand.
It’s also important to clearly understand your company’s values and mission. Your brand should reflect these values and be appealing to your target market. Remember that your brand will be customers’ first impression of your company. Studies show that it takes a mere seven seconds to make a first impression, so first impressions matter to consumers.
Creating a Memorable Brand Name
Brand recognition is the ability of consumers to identify a particular brand. The best brand names are easy to remember and can be easily associated with the company or product. To create a memorable brand name, it’s essential to keep it short, simple, and easy to pronounce.
The better your brand recognition, the more likely customers are to purchase from you. To help you create memorable brand names, use a service like NAMIFY to create bold, easy-to-remember names that can help you stand out from the competition.
Ideas To Create a Brand Name
There are several ways to come up with brand name ideas. The best way is to use a tool like NAMIFY, which can help you create unique, memorable names for your business or product. Another way to generate brand name ideas is to brainstorm with a group. Group brainstorming sessions can help you generate various ideas and get feedback on the names you come up with.
When creating a brand name for your new business, it’s essential to consider the industry or niche you will be operating in. This will ensure that the name aligns with your business and helps establish your brand identity. For example, if you are starting a jewelry business, consider incorporating the word jewelry into your brand name, as it will make it easier to establish your brand identity, including your niche in your site’s domain name, and take advantage of related keywords.
You can also use a thesaurus to find synonyms for words related to your industry. Using a thesaurus can help you create brand names that are unique and descriptive. Finally, you can look at other companies in your industry to see what they’ve named their products or services. While you don’t want to copy them, this can give you some inspiration for your own brand name.
Ways to Test Your Brand Name
Once you’ve come up with a few brand name ideas, testing them out is important, as it can help you see how your target market will receive the names.
One way to test your brand name is to conduct a focus group, which is where you gather a group of people in your target market and ask them their thoughts on the names you’ve come up with. This can give you some valuable feedback on which name is the most memorable and appealing.
Another way to test your brand name is to do a Google search, which will show you how many other companies are using the same or similar names. Choosing a unique name that will help you stand out from the competition is important.
Why Is Creating a Brand Name Important?
Creating a strong brand is important for any company, large or small. The more successful your company becomes, the more your brand name will matter. A brand can help you attract new customers, build customer loyalty, and differentiate yourself from the competition.
Further resources on naming brands
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Benefits of meetups for B2B marketers
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeA neighbourhood swing. With the message “sit on the deck”.
A place to meet informally
For a business, would it be good to have a place where people could come and drop by to have a chat?
Customer insight is notoriously hard to get. It’s easy to get from your passionate customers. It’s easy to get from your haters, but it’s the ones in between this ‘Marmite’ brigade who are more challenging.
If prospects just dropped by for a chat, would you get a sense of what their priorities are? Where your products fit in (or don’t)?
#b2bmarketing can do this using a forum, a group chat or a regular meetup group.
What would happen if you did not set an agenda? If attendees talked about their priorities instead of yours?
I am hosting a B2B Marketing Roundtable on 26th October at 2pm. Join us?
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B2B Marketing education ideas
/0 Comments/in B2B, Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeI’ve got a red book – and it’s where I write notes from any educational things I do. It’s fascinating – the current book starts with “Trusted Content Creation” by Brian Clark and the most recent entry is about YouTube Video production by Evan Carmichael.
The thing I like best about it is not the factual notes, it’s the ideas they spawn. I like to draw a light bulb in the margin next to these…. they are scattered around and it delights me that I can innovate in the B2B Marketing I do for clients just by going and listening to experts.
What’s the latest thing you studied? And where do you record your notes / ideas?
#continuingeducation #b2bmarketing
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