You want to run an event for your business promotion, but are unsure how to promote it and get attendees. This playbook of tips encourages cross-publicity from offline to online and helps to build up an email mailing list which will also help with future promotions.
Starting with a focus on Social Media
1 – Creating excellent content about your event speaker(s). This should be original so ask for an interview and video them as they talk to you.
2 – Edit their interview into 90 seconds long videos. Include a start and end “card” with the event logo and your business URL. Add sub-titles so the Facebook feed will play them and the watcher can understand. Start to publish on Facebook and LinkedIn and link to the video on other relevant channels (local newspapers, Neighbourly, Chamber of Commerce etc)
3 – Publish the video to your Website blog
4 – Make a picture of the presenter and include a quotation from their 2017 speech. Also share this on Facebook and on your blog. On the picture, always have your URL
5 – Follow the presenter’s personal blog / websites. This is so you can do curated content.
6 – Every Friday send an email to your mailing list with a link to the video you published that week. Also include links to the other articles written by the speaker(s) from your list in 5 above.
Here is a good example of a preview video from a conference
7 – Encourage readers to add comments to the videos as you share them. What questions does this raise for you? How would you solve this? Does this match with your experience?
8 – On the website, add a prominent signup to news form either by lightbox or on the page header – explain what people get when they sign up (Fridaynews with new educational video content and links to expert articles)
9 – Also publish the newsletter on the blog every week
10 – As the event gets closer, add in more publicity for the speakers on the theme of the event itself – you can do this by asking the speaking team to allow you to interview them by Hangout or Skype video chat. Your interview should be 3 questions only.
11 – Get your video edited down to 90 seconds as in 2 above.
12 – Make a still image of the person with a quote from the video (just like above)
13 – Share on social, add to the newsletter, encourage people to comment or ask questions. Ask the speakers to also share the video onto their website and social channels.
14 – Continue weekly until you release the tickets for the event. By this time you should have a good mailing list of prospects and this will help early bird ticket sales.
The Webstock conference in Wellington each February is a very good example o this methodology – join their mailing list to see how it can be done. Note their newsletter also shares jobs and event listings which is a very nice way to enable them to stay relevant in the year between conferences.
Go rock your event… and don’t forget to video it and release the video afterwards so the people who didn’t come realise what they missed!
How to Get Subscribers to My Email Newsletter?
/0 Comments/in B2B, Copywriting, Email, Marketing ideas /by Rebecca CaroeWell done – getting started.
Focus on Your Marketing Assets
Let’s help you work out the key answers you need: Start with answering these questions.
So you’ve guessed, you need to get people to visit a place on the web which you own (website / social profiles) and then invite them to join your newsletter. Consider what ‘offer’ you can make which is attractive to them in addition to getting the articles. has a good WordPress plugin for subscriptions. Also check out Push Notifications as many sites prefer this as subscribers won’t share their email address. I wrote this article about Notifications
Things for you to GrowthHack test
Once you have started the newsletter and finding subscribers, you need to work on continuously improving your offer and the means for people to join it. Growth hacking is the process of improvement and measurement.
Now grow your profile
Get known by answering questions in public which relate to your issue (Financial services) and your audience (millennials). By showing off your knowledge and linking back to your website or social profile, you can encourage people to remember your brand and respond – starting discussions, which further allow you to show off your expertise.
Good luck and keep up the good work.
This answer was originally posted on
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Become Social Media Savvy with the Social Media Conference 2017
/0 Comments/in B2B, B2C, Marketing, Public Speaking, Social Media /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamThis September, the Social Media Conference is happening again! We are big fans of the content, even more so this year because our very own Rebecca Caroe is a speaker!
Are you looking to use Social Media to benefit your business but just don’t know how?
Social Media isn’t just for kids these days. In fact, it’s one of the biggest platforms for a business to market in today’s environment. Whether it be Business to Consumer or Business to Business, the Social Media Conference 2017 provides insights on how to utilise these skills to your business benefit.
Expand your knowledge in this field through New Zealand’s biggest Social Media conference hosted by The Online Business Academy for its fourth year.
Rebecca Caroe (CEO of Creative Agency Secrets)
Marketing experts from all over the world come together to talk about their experiences with Social Media, how it helped them in their business ventures and how it can help you market to a larger audience through Social Media.
Seize the opportunity to network with business owners from all over the country and develop connections for your business. Gain information that can assist with expanding your business through Social Media platforms and understand how Social Media aids with keeping up to date with the evolving business world. If you’re serious about expanding your business, you wouldn’t want to miss Social Media Conference 2017.
SkyCity Auckland
September 15th and 16th 2017
8:00am – 5:00 pm
Use the code “REBECCA” at the checkout to get a $250 discount!
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Can you tell when you’ve found the right business in search?
/0 Comments/in SEO /by Rebecca CaroeI was searching for a music streaming service for classical music. But I got the name wrong.
I knew I had not found the right business in my search results when I clicked through to the best result, and found this website design (top image). Realising my mistake, I quickly revised my search (by spelling the business name correctly) and was directed to the second page – where I knew I’d arrived at the site I wanted.
You can see how I worked out my error, through the image design, layout and styling. It’s dated and not mobile responsive. Styled as 2000s versus 2017.
Now imagine if that actually WAS the correct result and it was the business I wanted. What first impression is your website giving to first time visitors?
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NZ Entrepreneur Magazine features our article
/0 Comments/in Local Marketing, Marketing ideas /by Rebecca CaroeWe are stoked that this month’s NZ Entrepreneur Magazine has published an article by Rebecca. Called
Marketing Strategies to Grow and Scale a local business, it sets out 12 top tactics for local marketing.
Subscribe to NZ Entrepreneur Magazine to get it monthly delivered to your inbox.
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What’s new in SEO? 5 actions to do today
/0 Comments/in B2B, B2C, Content Marketing, Copywriting, Data, Digital media, Marketing, Marketing ideas, SEO /by Rebecca CaroeLast week I got the latest research on SEO from trusted brand SEM Rush. You can download and read their report Ranking Factors 2017 in SEO.
Ranking Factors 2017 report from SEMRush
Creative Agency Secrets has read the whole report and below are 5 SEO tasks you can initiate immediately for your own website or ecommerce store.
The report has a number of chapters each of which is followed by “What this means to you as a marketer” Read these pages for the SEMRush interpretation of their research findings.
5 SEO actions for 2017
The Detailed insights
Note these are paraphrased from the SEMRush report including some verbatim quotes. All the ACTION FOR YOU tasks are recommendations by us for your website or ecommerce store. The page numbers are the actual page number in the report NOT the number top RHS.
If you want help, Creative Agency Secrets offers 2 services – we can do it for you; we can teach you how to do it yourself.
SEMRush custom offer at the end of the report
And a cunning end-point which is a marketing “trick” I’ve used a lot for clients – on the very, very last page is an offer. A really good one. SEMRush will do a niche study for your industry if you write to ask. We did (for a client) and they said they’d been overwhelmed and would put it on the list…. but still. This is a fabulous reward for the people who do read all the way to the end. #TopTip
Ready to rock with some improvements on your business SEO? Let’s get started together!
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How to hire any expert e.g. a website developer
/0 Comments/in B2B, B2C, Golden Question, Pitching /by Rebecca CaroeIt’s really easy to find a specialist supplier. It’s really difficult to find out if they are any good at that specialism. Especially when it is in an area that you know nothing about.
What is an Expert? Image Credit:
Giving a keynote speech to an industry group recently I was stunned to find how many felt that they did not have the confidence to hire a website designer. This motivated me to write this short guide.
How to hire an expert (when you don’t know)
Are you a business owner who feels that they got mis-sold or ripped off by a website design project?
Did you pay a lot of money and find that the website you got did not deliver what was promised?
This is my tried and tested technique that will help you to find a supplier who is both an expert and will work well with your project situation.
Now you’ve got a good core set of skills to start your expert hiring process. Be courageous and keep good records – you won’t regret it.
And if you want a website built, or some direct response copywriting, or a video made and overall effective marketing done that brings in sales – get in touch with us. We will either teach you how to do it yourself or we can do it for you. Easy!
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You are invited to… UNLOCKED: SEO and Video Secrets
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamDon’t be a Digital Caveman!
After the success of our last SEO event, Creative Agency Secrets has teamed with KOR Creative to bring you Unlocked: SEO and Video Secrets!
With more customers reaching for businesses that utilise digital channels, it pays to invest in a good online strategy. SEO can help your website gain more traffic and leads, whilst video provides a visual appeal. Video and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) are two key elements to increase your search engine ranking.
Rebecca Caroe and Steve Wallace have prepared a breakfast seminar where you can learn how to attract quality traffic to your website, through SEO and Video.
For one of our clients, we helped to boost their website from the second page of Google search to the second link on the first page! Click here to see how SEO helped Baucher Consulting get to the top of the search list!
You will also have the opportunity to network with local business owners while feasting on a breakfast of your choice at this exclusive CAS and KOR event!
There are a limited amount of seats, so be sure to get in quick.
Enter the code BIZDOJO2017 for a 50% discount at the checkout!
Reserve your space here!
Steve Wallace (KOR Creative)
Rebecca Caroe (Creative Agency Secrets)
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The Event Promotion Playbook
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeStarting with a focus on Social Media
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4 Points That Suggest Traditional and Digital Marketing Methods are Similar
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeThere will always be debate when it comes to marketing a business using digital and traditional marketing methods, and while there are no right or wrong ways when it comes to marketing a business, you’ll find a lot of business owners prefer one of the routes rather than both. Some marketers prefer traditional marketing because their target audience is local, whereas others prefer digital marketing because they’re trying to target an audience on a global scale.
Traditional and Digital Marketing ImageCredit: LinkedIn
However, both techniques are a lot more similar than people think and here are a few points that would suggest this.
Both Techniques Offer Cost-Effective Marketing Strategies
The great benefit of both techniques is that while the cost in marketing can vary a lot depending on the methods used, both techniques still offer free or very affordable marketing strategies. Take digital marketing, for example, where there are no costs involved when it comes to social media marketing unless a business wants to take advantage of one of the advertising platforms available. The same also goes for a traditional marketing method such as leaflet distribution – leaflets cost very little to print and paying someone to distribute them is affordable.
If you’re looking to market a business but you’re unsure of what route to take, consider obtaining a master in marketing online using an online MSM program, as that will give you the knowledge you need to take your business forward.
Each Marketing Strategy Can Target a Specific Demographic
With the help of social media platforms, it’s now very easy to get insight on demographics so you can target a specific age range or country, which makes digital marketing very easy. The same goes for traditional marketing methods such as leaflet distribution – you can easily target family homes or specific age ranges thanks to local/online records and user statistics.
Excellent Chance of Success
Whether you opt for the traditional marketing route, digital marketing, or even both, you can be sure that both techniques offer a brilliant chance of success if the correct marketing strategies are deployed. There is no higher chance of success rate for either technique as each offers different prospects depending on the type of business and audience you’re targeting – so taking advantage of both techniques could prove to be successful.
Techniques Can Be Used Together
The benefit of both marketing techniques is that they can be used together. If your business is new, you can always opt for a digital marketing strategy using social media to keep costs at a minimum, but there’s nothing wrong with using both techniques together as your business starts to grow. Most businesses will advertise locally using postcards and leaflets, but then they will also start a social media marketing campaign around the same time to get more exposure.
Both marketing techniques offer a variety of benefits depending on the business that implements them. However, even though they are completely different techniques in terms of the work involved in marketing, the above suggests that they are, in fact, quite similar after all.
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