Landing pages are undoubtedly one of the most powerful features of your entire website. We’re willing to bet that, regardless of the purpose of your website, you have at least one landing page to filter your web traffic towards a purchase decision or other desired action. You don’t want to let your prospective customers slip away because your landing pages are ineffective, do you?
This got us thinking, “How effective are our own landing pages at driving action?” Further exploration of this question revealed our landing pages could, indeed, be better.
What makes an effective landing page?
Each landing page only serves a single purpose.
It should be stripped of the full range of information available on the rest of the website in order to focus the visitor. Having additional content on the page only distracts the visitor from the reason they arrived there and, thus, decreases the likelihood of a successful conversion.
Your landing page should also be able to accurately measure where your traffic is coming from and where they go next. Having too many variables on the page creates unnecessary complications in your analytics and reduces the effectiveness of the page.
Our old landing pages were visually outdated and cluttered with a stack of information that did not show clear actions.
How did we improve them?
The solution came in the form of Unbounce, a tool that specifically builds quality landing pages which drive results. We have dedicated an entire blog post to explaining the advantages of Unbounce – subscribe to our blog to catch future posts and to stay up to date on other marketing tips for business.
We redesigned the landing pages for our 3 core offerings as a business – Marketing Services, Training and Free Marketing Advice.
Aside from an enhanced aesthetic make-over, which fits in perfectly with our branding and design, the pages now have a much clearer and appealing interface, outline the purpose of the page and make it even easier for visitors to find exactly what they need to take further action.
We compare the old and new versions of the same page:
Old vs. New Landing Page Designs
Marketing Advice
Marketing Training
Marketing Services
Which looks more appealing to you?
Do you need help improving your landing pages?
Get in touch!
We Have Moved to a New Office
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Creative Agency Secrets Team74D France Street
Eden Terrace
Auckland 1010
Welcome to our new office!
Our phone numbers and email addresses are still the same. We look forward to meeting you in our new office. If you have any questions we’re happy to answer, just send us an email.
Best wishes,
The Creative Agency Secrets Team
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From attraction to traction: build your list with Unbounce landing pages
/0 Comments/in Lead Generation, Marketing, Sales /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamLanding pages are important to drive valuable conversions for your business as we wrote before, whether from current customers or new prospects. But designing the perfect landing page can take several weeks to accomplish.
Well, at least, it used to.
Enter Unbounce, a tool we are using to create beautifully designed landing pages, built to deliver easily measurable outcomes.
Yes, we know: there’s a ton of groundbreaking offers popping around on the internet every day, promising to be the Holy Grail of marketing. Luckily you have us to filter the noise and point you in the right direction! 🙂
Why we chose Unbounce Pages
This complete add-on tool has the advantage of offering quick creation and editing, cutting a lot of time from the development stage of the landing page strategy for our clients. Unbounce delivers agile results, not neglecting the “best practices” learned by the developers with intense market research. Every Unbounce landing page is completely mobile responsive, which means extra points for you in Google’s eyes.
Having a successful business on the internet is a tricky thing if you don’t focus on driving results with the right strategy. Among lots of features, Unbounce offers A/B tests and Google Analytics tracking that are amazing at collecting data and eliminating doubts in the decision-making process. It can all be integrated seamlessly into WordPress, Joomla and other CMS platforms, so the landing page doesn’t feel disconnected from the rest of your website. When a visitor gives you their e-mail address, it can automatically go to your new MailChimp highly-focused list for future prospects. Simple as that. Check out all the Unbounce integrations.
Build your mailing list
Do you feel like building a highly-focused list of contacts is what’s missing from your digital marketing strategy? Contact us right away.
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Case Study: Website redesign for busy professional firm
/0 Comments/in B2B, Copywriting /by Rebecca CaroeCrossfire Engineers are one of the leading practices in Auckland delivering advice for fire engineering in new buildings as well as refurbishments. The team is expert in fire safety advice, but not website marketing.
When they needed to edit their old website it meant paying the developer to upload content and so it was clearly time for a change to a content management system and a new web design.
Business owner, Michael Dixon, was introduced to Creative Agency Secrets by Bruce Ross the business coach, initially to write the words for the new website. Later, we also project managed the web build liaising with the developers and Steven Robinson, the photographer.
Crossfire Fire Engineers new website copy
Save time for the Client
It was clear that delivering a successful project would include keeping the client informed, but minimising the amount of time taken up by management.
And so we did most of the copywriting briefing face to face by ‘interviewing’ the key team players.
Later, testimonials were obtained from clients direct after an introduction by the Crossfire team, saving them time. We asked questions and wrote the testimonial first draft for them to edit and approve.
Key website successes
The Home page has 3 red buttons to shortcut visitors’ enquiries to the pages most relevant to different services. What an architect needs is different from a Building Owner or Manager.
Testimonials on the bottom of the home page by high profile clients and architects who collaborate with the Crossfire team.
Crossfire Fire Engineers testimonials
Team profiles not just photos but also individual contact details and a synopsis of their career and key skills allow direct contact by clients.
Work for us – one of the drivers for the new website was the need to recruit staff this page sets out more detail about how engineers can re-qualify in Fire Engineering as well as explaining how to emigrate to New Zealand.
Happy client
Jeff Parkinson did much of the day to day liaison for the website project and he has this to say at the end.
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Ontrapot ‘lip service’ to customer feedback
/0 Comments/in B2C /by Rebecca CaroeSo to add insult to injury, Ontraport sends me a feedback form – but once the ticket was closed by the agent, I can no longer submit my (negative) feedback.
Ontraport does not want user feedback
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The Landing Page: Is Yours Performing?
/0 Comments/in Case Studies, Marketing, Sales /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamLanding pages are undoubtedly one of the most powerful features of your entire website. We’re willing to bet that, regardless of the purpose of your website, you have at least one landing page to filter your web traffic towards a purchase decision or other desired action. You don’t want to let your prospective customers slip away because your landing pages are ineffective, do you?
This got us thinking, “How effective are our own landing pages at driving action?” Further exploration of this question revealed our landing pages could, indeed, be better.
What makes an effective landing page?
Each landing page only serves a single purpose.
It should be stripped of the full range of information available on the rest of the website in order to focus the visitor. Having additional content on the page only distracts the visitor from the reason they arrived there and, thus, decreases the likelihood of a successful conversion.
Your landing page should also be able to accurately measure where your traffic is coming from and where they go next. Having too many variables on the page creates unnecessary complications in your analytics and reduces the effectiveness of the page.
Our old landing pages were visually outdated and cluttered with a stack of information that did not show clear actions.
How did we improve them?
The solution came in the form of Unbounce, a tool that specifically builds quality landing pages which drive results. We have dedicated an entire blog post to explaining the advantages of Unbounce – subscribe to our blog to catch future posts and to stay up to date on other marketing tips for business.
We redesigned the landing pages for our 3 core offerings as a business – Marketing Services, Training and Free Marketing Advice.
Aside from an enhanced aesthetic make-over, which fits in perfectly with our branding and design, the pages now have a much clearer and appealing interface, outline the purpose of the page and make it even easier for visitors to find exactly what they need to take further action.
We compare the old and new versions of the same page:
Old vs. New Landing Page Designs
Marketing Advice
Marketing Training
Marketing Services
Which looks more appealing to you?
Do you need help improving your landing pages?
Get in touch!
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My Internship at CAS- James Halpin
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamJames Halpin marketing intern
Hi, I’m James Halpin and I’ve been lucky to have an internship at CAS over the past month and boy, has it been a crash course. Being at CAS was my first exposure to the professional working world and it is certainly different to my previous work experience. I’ve had to adapt my skill set to this environment and learn brand new skills. Here are a few of the things I’ve had to improve on.
There is far less micro-managing in the professional environment which was different to previous jobs I had had. I’ve had to import my independence skills that I had learnt at university and apply them to the real world. Figuring out stuff on my own is difficult but rewarding. It is tempting to take the easy route and do a cheap job of something, but doing something properly with quality is far more rewarding.
Surprisingly to me research was a large part of my internship. Not only from within the company (looking at previous work to decide what to do) but also for software and companies that were new to me. Fortunately for me, there was a wealth of material already on the internet that I was able to call upon when I didn’t understand something. Rebecca also sent me a textbook, Inbound Marketing by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Sharma. This book tied all the method to the madness. I also could rely on the team here at CAS to explain something if I couldn’t solve it.
Writing Skills
My writing style over the past month has had to change. University is very formal and stringent about their writing criteria, no personal pronouns and certainly no language that could be considered colloquial. The internship has taught me to be more flexible and put a little flare into my writing. This is a list that I’ve added to every time I have received consistent criticism of my writing:
Before I started at CAS I had never used any marketing software. On my first day here I was given the task of learning how to use Google Analytics which is the foundation of CAS and their client Rowperfect. I’ve discovered not using GA or another equivalent would be suicide for an online business. WordPress has also been a revelation to me. Seeing the backend of a website has given me insight into the online world. I’m now able to criticise websites where I know people have been lazy. Equally however, that means for the websites I work on – everything must be on purpose. Formatting is essential, spelling and grammar, even more so.
I would like to thank the all the team at CAS; Rebecca, Jeremy and Laura. Working here has been a complete learning curve and I couldn’t have developed without your guidance. I wish you all luck for 2016! A special thanks to Rebecca for giving me this opportunity and I know it will propel me forward on my career path.
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FAIL Ontraport subscribes complainers
/0 Comments/in Direct Marketing, Email /by Rebecca CaroeFollowing up on my post, here’s the latest…. I get an email from Ontraport promoting their WordPress plugin.
I definitely did not subscribe to this. If you read the earlier post, you’ll see I was complaining about their service as I suspect they support spammers.
So I click through to unsubscribe from this newsletter and see that they’ve subscribed me to their weekly newsletter BECAUSE I clicked on their Spam / Abuse complaint website link.
Do not do business with these guys.
Ontraport confirms Abuse website sign up
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Does Ontraport allow a spam by-pass?
/0 Comments/in Direct Marketing, Email /by Rebecca CaroeI just tried to unsubscribe from an email list. It was sent to my personal (non-work) account and I don’t remember subscribing – not to say I didn’t o it sometime.
But click the unsubscribe link and something went a bit wacky.
Take a look at this – no data in my subscribe forms, plus it thinks I subscribed at a date before email was invented!
Ontraport unsubscribe form #fail
So I’m asking for your help
Is this a spammers work-around? Use someone’s email but fail to allow them to unsubscribe? Is it a genuine Ontraport web page?
The URL string seems to have genuine subscriber data but it implies I clicked “abuse” but actually I clicked “Unsubscribe”.
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The Art and Science of Generating Leads
/0 Comments/in B2B, Lead Generation, Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeMany business owners tell us that they want more inbound leads and enquiries for new business. We know exactly how to do it AND we’ve been practicing what we preach for years. Here is the proof – our own data month by month of enquiries to buy Creative Agency Secrets’ services.
Leads tracking spreadsheet sample
Today we’re announcing a webinar that shows you exactly HOW we do it, so you can learn to do this for yourself. February 10th 2016.
The art and science of generating leads Event Sign up
The art and science of generating leads results in a new business development plan. That’s a month by month chart of activities, all oriented around starting conversations that lead to paying clients. And on this 90 minute webinar I am going to show you HOW to do it and then how to MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Creative Agency Secrets are experts in proactive execution marketing. This is the technique that builds up your business profile which creates leads which become enquiries which become sales. It’s a continuous cycle.
Sounds simple – but most business owners do not know HOW to do it.
This workshop is for business owners and managers who are responsible for finding new clients and growing revenues. It will show you the practical, tried and tested techniques that the Creative Agency Secrets team uses.
Here’s a sneak preview of what you will learn:
Don’t take our word for it…
Register for the event by clicking any of the links to The Art and Science of Generating Leads
Tickets are Free
And we are offering two different tickets – Attend Live and Watch Later. Both require you to sign up for February 10th 2016 event.
Event timings
10th February 2016 times in different country / locations
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