seo for growth

SEO for Growth: Unleash the Potential of Your Website

What does it take to generate leads for your business? Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is about making search engines like Google and Bing show your website in the first positions of the results page. With more businesses utilising digital channels for business, it’s necessary to invest in your SEO strategy to remain competitive. If your […]

How to Market Your Consulting Services Effectively

Consultants offer all types of services from HR placement to IT, but when compared to other businesses such as selling cars or real estate, marketing a consultancy is much harder to drum up new business. Most of the time, your potential clients are not even aware that they need your services. You must, therefore, come […]

Peter Stromberg

My Internship at Creative Agency Secrets – Peter Strömberg

Hi, my name is Peter Stromberg and I’m yet another Swedish intern. For the past 10 weeks, I’ve been working here at CAS to gain experience within my field. It’s been an interesting 2.5 months with a lot of things happening. With the help of Rebecca, Conrado, Jeremy and Tabhitha, I’ve learned a lot about marketing […]

Barfoot And Thompson sponsorship of World Masters Games

Backstory on Barfoot’s World Masters Games advert

I saw the Barfoot & Thompson’s advertising sponsorship of the Auckland World Masters Games and was stunned by the ingenuity of the imagery.  Here’s a poster near my office. And this prompted me to want to find out more about the context for the campaign. Barfoot’s Chief Marketing Officer, Jen Baird, kindly answered my questions and […]

How to choose a Florida web design firm

Whether you are starting a new company or taking an older one online, finding the right Florida web design firm can mean the difference between digital success and failure. Your website will need to function well and be visually appealing to customers while containing important information and links to rank high in search engine results […]

lightbulb creative agency secrets content marketing

A Masterclass In Content Marketing – When You’re Out Of Ideas.

I was reading my Facebook feed and a US based content marketer of my acquaintance posted this request. “OK, we write blog posts every month for a beach client. We’ve been writing for him for several years and the team is getting a little brain dead trying to drum up fresh ideas. Would love your […]

Push Notifications: Is this the death of email newsletters?

In the world of Digital Marketing, there is a constant need for innovation to stay ahead of competitors and create the next novel experience in order to sell to customers. We saw it first with the use of email marketing communications in the 90s which was a bandwagon – everyone jumped on board and our in-boxes […]

Content marketing workshop

Plan Develop and Write – content workshop training

There’s a training event run by The Online Academy coming up next Friday 3rd March in Auckland.     Learn more at The Online Business Academy – how to Plan, develop and Write content that will rock your brand.     No related posts.

Scrabble It Is Marketing

We’re hiring – Marketing Assistant – Digital Marketing

Marketing Assistant specialising in Digital Marketing and Copywriting. Creative Agency Secrets provides digital marketing services for brands and businesses. We are a leading agency innovating with marketing techniques like social media, community building, direct response and advanced blogging. Working with us you will learn how to run a website, ecommerce shop, blog, email marketing, database […]

Machine Learning

Machine Learning Impact on the Future of Content and SEO

The age of Artificial Intelligence is here and it’s powering up the simplest things in our daily lives. In a nutshell, Machine Learning is the science of giving computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Kinda like showing it pictures of kittens until it creates enough patterns to identify another kitten by itself from new […]