Marketing agency structures and business models
There are many different ways to organise your creative agency. Reading in the news from the Guardian where Lorraine Ruckstuhl thinks small agencies are getting the advantageover larger networks with many service offerings.
This has to be balanced against what clients and brands want to get from their agency: New research from Avidan gives an assessment of what clients want from agencies – although there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of solutions – but do read the comments at the end where Bob Sanders has some good points.
- agency roster sizes being reduced
- agency tenure shortening
- client demands for ‘agency accountability’
Avi later writes about agency compensation in another article where he links the incentive to come up with a big idea to how we get paid for our work.
This is a topic that will run and run – but for many smaller agencies, the opportunity to get new revenue streams exists from new product development [apologies it’s firewalled for subscribers].
What do you do? Have you got new income streams from non-traditional work? Or are your clients still happy to pay percentage media fees?
Hey! Thank you for the shout-out!