3 SEO Tools That You Should Know How To Use

Estimated reading time: 4 min

In any business having a strong online presence is very important. And when it comes to building a good online presence, using SEO tools can help increase your search engine rankings to reach more clients for your business.

In implementing search optimization or SEO campaigns, it’s important to know the right tools to use for the best results. There is a wide array of SEO tools, from keyword research tools to metric monitoring software. So what is the best SEO tools you can use for your next marketing campaign?

This article will cover the best SEO tools that you should know how to use so you can achieve your SEO marketing and business goals.

1.Data Visualization Tools 

Using data visualization tools is important to handle a large amount of data and sort the most valuable in making sales and marketing decisions. Some examples of data visualization tools include Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Data Audio, and Google Fusion Tables. 

Here are the benefits of using SEO data visualization tools: 

  • Easily spot issues with orphaned pages, internal link deficiencies, and canonical tags. 
  • You can use them in link building audits and showing the most powerful web pages and distribution of internal links. 
  • It’s easier to demonstrate the return of investment or ROI from SEO. You can extract revenue data and create simple charts to show the management, your clients, or investors the impact of your marketing efforts, and your products and services.
  • These tools provide keyword ranking data that is filterable by a query, such as filtering out “branded keywords.” In this way, you can fully understand a website’s commercial intent.

2.Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research is a crucial aspect of every SEO strategy. It’s a good thing that you can easily find the most relevant keywords to use with free online tools to help optimize your content, attract more visitors, or increase traffic, and gain higher sales.

Here are some examples of commonly used keyword research tools: 



  • Google AdWords: It’s a keyword research tool that allows you to know the best revenue-generating keywords in seconds by showing competition feedback and volume for different keywords. Because of this, it’s one of the best tools for competitive analysis. All you have to do is drop a landing page URL or website into Google AdWords and see target keywords instantly. 
  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics can exactly tell what online users are looking for. In that way, you can help them by creating informative content. The Google Search Console integration allows you to “query” data directly through Google Analytics. You’ll see search terms that online users are using to reach your website. You can use emerging keywords to find and create new SEO content topics
  • Moz Keyword Explorer: Easily get basic SEO data such as competition and volume, as well as opportunity and difficulty scores. Also, it gives recommended terms according to similar searches that you can add to your specific campaign’s list. 
  • SEMrush: This keyword research tool comes in handy if you’re looking for relevant keywords for your advertising campaign. It means that you can easily find profitable keywords suitable for your business niche. Also, it can display all the keywords your competitor is paying for.

3.SEO Audit and Monitoring Tools 

For many websites, the main source of traffic is search engines. This is why for businesses wherein the majority of income highly depends on Google ranking, SEO audit is very important. You can use an SEO monitoring tool to help improve your rankings and outrank your competitors.

Here are some of the best SEO monitoring tools today: 

  • Ahrefs: Ahrefs can help you grow your website’s search traffic, monitor your niche, and research your competitors. Also, it displays the 404 pages from your backlinks so you can redirect them for quick wins. 
  • ScreamingFrog SEO Spider: This SEO tool is a website crawler, crawling websites’ URLs, and fetching key elements to study and monitor onsite and technical SEO. It comes with many free features that allow finding redirects and loops and upload a master list of URLs in a site migration for auditing.
  • SEMrush: It’s one of the most sought SEO monitoring tools that are always updated, allowing you to monitor your SEO metrics and help attain your best SEO performance. 
  • SimilarWeb: It provides empowering features for competitor research and analysis and gaining in-depth SEO insights. 

Search engine optimization or SEO tools are valuable in attaining your web presence and business goals. By using data visualization, keyword research, and SEO monitoring tools, you can clearly see where your SEO and other digital marketing efforts are heading to. Also, you have a better idea of your site’s performance and get valuable keywords you can use to create SEO optimized content.


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