corporate gift, holiday gift business,

Corporate gift innovations 2019

Early birds, it’s time to plan your Christmas holiday gifts for clients.  Branded gifts are still good, not naff and definitely give a good return on investment for existing clients and returning client programmes. I took a look at some of the newer and older products available.  Get in touch to discuss your needs – […]

office view for copywriting inspiration

Anatomy of effective cold direct mail

I love getting really timely direct mail messages that are relevant. This one came just in time to help me navigate a change to podcast categories. Let’s analyse the direct message Hello podcaster, [Small fail here as they don’t know my name.  Implies a purchased list rather than an opted in CRM database.] In case […]

SMS Marketing

5 Essential elements of SMS marketing

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to boost your sales, enhance customer relationships, and stand out from your competition. This is why you should engage your customers through SMS marketing. If you use it the right way, it can be your most powerful marketing tool. It’s an indisputable fact that many people […]

conversation, art of conversation, problem conversation, issues conversation

Conversation as a marketing tactic

At the weekend I was teaching a class on The Art of Conversation and it was such an enlightening experience. Firstly, the topic intrigued me because I wondered who wanted to learn – and I soon found out that the group was a complete mix of people.  Some wanted improved networking for work and some […]

Podcast marketing

What are the key essentials for promoting and marketing a podcast to grow listeners so you can improve monetisation?  This article runs through some of the fundamentals and also asks some important questions so you can find out if a podcast is the right marketing tactic for your brand. Brand suitability for podcast marketing Here […]

Customer Reviews – a reality check

The New Zealand Commerce Commission is investigating online retailers who they claim have manipulated customer reviews and testimonials in “…conduct that was liable to mislead consumers by creating artificially positive impressions…” NZ Commerce Commission website What actions constitute “misleading consumers”? No related posts.

Is Guest Posting Dead?

In 2014, Matt Cutts, former head of the Web Spam team at Google, wrote the following: “Okay, I’m calling it: if you’re using guest blogging as a way to gain links in 2014, you should probably stop.” Ever since the state of guest blogging has been debated heatedly. Indeed, guest blogs with low-quality content have […]

Make your B2B proposal stand out

One of the joys of being a freelance consultant is that sometimes I get to act on behalf of my client and hire specialists to work on their B2B marketing campaigns. I recently advertised a job and was stunned by one of the proposal submissions. As a new business specialist I know how hard it […]

How to Successfully Market Your Website

How to Successfully Market Your Website

Digital marketing is very finicky. You are not just contending with customers; you have impartial algorithms to contest with, the attention market, your competitors, technological glitches, and so much more. Knowing how to successfully market your website means more than simply knowing the basics. Yes, email newsletters help. Yes, social media marketing is an option. […]