As a business owner or manager, you have most likely spent a lot of time and money on recruiting the highest quality candidates, and therefore you probably want to get as much out of these employees as possible. However, if you fail to adequately engage with them, you risk losing them to the competition. This […]
If you run a business and you do not employ a CFO chief financial officer may I recommend that you examine why not? I have spent two years working with Karen Tobeck and value she brings far surpasses the fee I pay. Anybody who runs a business has three skills they need, delivering the product […]
Richard Poole founded the website and has built it up into a significant media propertyfocused on the over 50s market. What we found impressive is the ease with which the site has incorporated native advertising with traditional media as revenue streams. He kindly agreed to be interviewed by the Creative Agency Secrets team. What […] Caroe Caroe2017-11-27 12:21:532019-04-23 14:30:08GrownUps NZ, Richard Poole interview
I was doing some training with a client this week and they asked me about pitching for new business. There are three books on my shelf which I have found useful in my 25 year career. Shaun Varga – Brilliant Pitch – what to know, do and say to make the perfect pitch. Prentice Hall […] Caroe Caroe2017-11-24 20:49:542020-01-24 02:27:46Best books for Pitching and winning marketing work
Many business owners dream of outperforming competitors through the creation of a strong online presence. If you’re ready to grow your brand online, note that the following strategies can help you do it: 1. Tap Into The Power Of Word-Of-Mouth Advertising One of the best ways to grow your business online is through the use […] Caroe Caroe2017-11-17 09:00:342023-03-22 20:48:36Want To Grow Your Business Online? Here's How!
At the end of November, we will be partnering with Acronym to bring you expert insights on how web security plays an integral part in your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). There will be a focus on incremental gains made by doing ‘the basics’ really, really well and using marketing experiments and careful measurement to create […] Agency Secrets Team Agency Secrets Team2017-11-16 09:39:352020-01-24 01:45:10Web Security from an SEO Perspective
How is your marketing going? If you could make one change to your marketing for 2018 – what would it be? (Be brutally honest, tell us what being in control would mean to you). Now’s your chance to start that change. Rebecca Caroe is doing a national tour visiting these cities Christchurch 24th November, 2017 Tauranga on 27th November, 2017 […]
Let’s be honest for a second: most of the product descriptions out there sound like they were written by robots, for robots. They’re bland, have no personality, and a lot of the times don’t even include everything a consumer may want to know about the product. Because prospects feel like they have no connection with […]
Use the code “2018success” to grab a seat with a 50% off end-of-year special! This November, we’ve got another breakfast seminar happening! We will be covering 3 ways to change your business thinking and actions for 2018 success. Has your business reached a standstill even with new business strategies and tactics implemented? Perhaps it is time to renew […] Agency Secrets Team Agency Secrets Team2017-11-10 16:16:122022-12-19 11:57:293 Ways to Change Your Business Thinking & Actions for 2018 Success
When it comes to a marketing report, you may dread the idea of seeing pie charts, bar graphs and numbers floating around. That’s not to mention the accompanying dry, boring analysis of these results, written in what looks to be a different language. If you think this, you’re so very wrong. Recently, I wrote up […] Agency Secrets Team Agency Secrets Team2017-11-08 15:41:352022-12-19 11:57:28How to do a super simple competitor strategy analysis
3 Unique Ways to Increase Employee Engagement ROI
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Sudip MuttAs a business owner or manager, you have most likely spent a lot of time and money on recruiting the highest quality candidates, and therefore you probably want to get as much out of these employees as possible. However, if you fail to adequately engage with them, you risk losing them to the competition. This […]
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Karen Tobeck our chief financial officer
/0 Comments/in Strategy /by Rebecca CaroeIf you run a business and you do not employ a CFO chief financial officer may I recommend that you examine why not? I have spent two years working with Karen Tobeck and value she brings far surpasses the fee I pay. Anybody who runs a business has three skills they need, delivering the product […]
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GrownUps NZ, Richard Poole interview
/0 Comments/in B2C, Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeRichard Poole founded the website and has built it up into a significant media propertyfocused on the over 50s market. What we found impressive is the ease with which the site has incorporated native advertising with traditional media as revenue streams. He kindly agreed to be interviewed by the Creative Agency Secrets team. What […]
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Best books for Pitching and winning marketing work
/0 Comments/in B2B, Pitching /by Rebecca CaroeI was doing some training with a client this week and they asked me about pitching for new business. There are three books on my shelf which I have found useful in my 25 year career. Shaun Varga – Brilliant Pitch – what to know, do and say to make the perfect pitch. Prentice Hall […]
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Want To Grow Your Business Online? Here’s How!
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeMany business owners dream of outperforming competitors through the creation of a strong online presence. If you’re ready to grow your brand online, note that the following strategies can help you do it: 1. Tap Into The Power Of Word-Of-Mouth Advertising One of the best ways to grow your business online is through the use […]
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Web Security from an SEO Perspective
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamAt the end of November, we will be partnering with Acronym to bring you expert insights on how web security plays an integral part in your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). There will be a focus on incremental gains made by doing ‘the basics’ really, really well and using marketing experiments and careful measurement to create […]
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Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Rebecca Caroe
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeHow is your marketing going? If you could make one change to your marketing for 2018 – what would it be? (Be brutally honest, tell us what being in control would mean to you). Now’s your chance to start that change. Rebecca Caroe is doing a national tour visiting these cities Christchurch 24th November, 2017 Tauranga on 27th November, 2017 […]
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5 Silly Mistakes Product Description Writers Make without Realising
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeLet’s be honest for a second: most of the product descriptions out there sound like they were written by robots, for robots. They’re bland, have no personality, and a lot of the times don’t even include everything a consumer may want to know about the product. Because prospects feel like they have no connection with […]
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3 Ways to Change Your Business Thinking & Actions for 2018 Success
/0 Comments/in B2B, B2C, Marketing, SEO, Strategy /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamUse the code “2018success” to grab a seat with a 50% off end-of-year special! This November, we’ve got another breakfast seminar happening! We will be covering 3 ways to change your business thinking and actions for 2018 success. Has your business reached a standstill even with new business strategies and tactics implemented? Perhaps it is time to renew […]
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How to do a super simple competitor strategy analysis
/0 Comments/in Case Studies, Marketing, Marketing ideas, Strategy /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamWhen it comes to a marketing report, you may dread the idea of seeing pie charts, bar graphs and numbers floating around. That’s not to mention the accompanying dry, boring analysis of these results, written in what looks to be a different language. If you think this, you’re so very wrong. Recently, I wrote up […]
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