Innovation game, conteneo

Interview: Luke Hohmann, Conteneo Weave

Luke is in town for the Agile NZ conference and graciously agreed to give us an interview. I first ran into Luke because I am a particular fan of his Innovation Games sub-brand.  Check out these for your next team brainstorming session.  There are 12 games all explained in detail.  Some are part of the […]

Raz Chorev, Marketer, Australia,

Raz Chorev talks Email Newsletters

Raz is CMO of Orange Sky CMOs in Sydney, Australia.  We caught up recently and got his insights into the latest in email newsletters for business marketing. You’ve been doing email newsletters for years. How frequently do you change something major e.g. layout, frequency, type of article? Every couple of years: content, structure and design. […]

team work, teamwork,, bad example payment update, payment expiry date,

SaaS renewals that are easy for customers

A robust, scalable business is always based on strong processes.  And if you are in the business of offering a Software as a Service (SaaS) product, you will doubtless have a recurring revenue model. Our business debit card expires tomorrow and so I’ve been in the throes of receiving alerts, notifications and emails from a […]

Scrabble It Is Marketing

We’re hiring! – Digital Marketing Assistant

Creative Agency Secrets provides digital marketing services for brands and businesses. We are a leading agency innovating with new marketing techniques like SEO, community building, direct response and advanced blogging. When working with us, you will learn how to run and manage digital platforms such as a website, e-commerce shop, blog as well as learn […]

We Review a Service Business Website

We pitched a client – we didn’t win.  And so I decided to show you all how we assessed their website in scoping out the work that is needed to improve the search engine optimisation for this company. They offer a local service and have two principal products. First impressions of the website Go to […]

Kiwibank, this is how I’d re-write your email

And I made a fool of myself on LinkedIn by explaining how I totally mis-understood Mark Wilkshire’s message. Re-write to clarify the message Here is how I would re-write the email in order to prevent others doing what I did.  [Aside: surely I’m not the most stupid customer Kiwibank has…please, humour me!] Dear Rebecca You […]

How Can an Increased Time on Page Boost Conversions?

How Can Increased Time on Page Boost Conversions?

Attracting traffic to a website can be a big challenge, even for the most experienced professionals. However, more than just herding the masses to your digital spot in the world, it is essential to understand what they’re doing when they’re there. And what they’re NOT doing as well. One of the most important indicators in […]

Creative and Search Agency Collaboration

How should creative agencies and search agencies collaborate when relaunching a website? The key part of any site build and launch is continuity for the search engines.  Few brands are creating websites for the first time nowadays (although SMEs are).  For me, the key parts of this agency collaboration are based around making sure the […]

CRM image

Benefits of Investing in CRM for your Business

The major reason why you need to invest in a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is to improve the relationship with your current customers, engage with potential customers, and win back former customers. You can implement this system in your business by using a software that enables you to collect, organize, and manage customer information. […]

Youth Entrepreneur Organisations in New Zealand

I put a question out to my network on behalf of an Australian organisation who are running a similar programme and want to partner. Here’s the results list thus far. Young Enterprise runs the Y.E.S Programme in schools. Ministry of Awesome (coworking space in Christchurch) University of Canterbury Centre for Entrepreneurship CORE Education OysterCatchers has […]