LI Search filter, B2B marketing, LinkedIn Marketing,

Build your B2B audience on LinkedIn

Here’s a case study with a difference – it’s repeatable, copy-able and also very do-able. By you. You’re a B2B organisation and seeking an audience for your products and services. I’m assuming you are interested in content marketing as one part of your marketing strategy – you wouldn’t be reading this article if you weren’t. […]


We’re done – how to clean your list

I just got fed up. Sick and tired of paying money to a mailing list software company when I’m not utilising their services to the best. So instead of berating myself for spending $$ which I didn’t need to – I finally took action. Assess lists first My account included four mailing lists – all […]

Marketing Strategy

B2B Marketing for Beginners

Marketing is a challenging field. When designing their marketing plan, marketers must balance the need for creativity, financial constraints, and channel selections.  Your audience, however, will ultimately determine how successful your marketing will be. Your promos and adverts will probably go unnoticed if you are not correctly targeting your buyer persona. If you’re not marketing […]

software demo, trial software, try before buy software, b2b marketing mix

Do you demo software?

At first glance this may seem a somewhat naïve question – why wouldn’t you want to see how software works before buying? If you work in B2B marketing for software brands, you will know how few people actually demo software. So is offering a demo still a valid part of the marketing mix? This article […]

Paris 2024 blocked tweet

When the Olympics can’t use good English

I love the Olympics – it’s been my “thing” since Sydney and I have travelled to watch most of the Games since that time. And I follow a lot of sport on social media as well – so when I saw Paris 2024 had a Twitter account, I started to follow them too. It’s two […]

Alex Haney Photographer, Restaurant marketing tipps,

Ways to increase interest in your restaurant

How To Increase Interest In Your Restaurant If you’re currently running your own restaurant establishment and want to increase the level of interest you’re getting in your business, then take a look at the following post. We’ll be listing some top tips on how to make your restaurant stand out more to the public and […]

affiliate marketing, clickbank,, saas marketing,

SaaS affiliate marketing

If you are marketing a SaaS product you should totally consider two types of marketing Channel partners Affiliate sales There’s a difference although they can overlap. A channel partner is a business who has a similar customer base but is selling something different but complementary to yours. They are motivated to sell your SaaS because […]

Demand Planning on Inventory Management

As a manufacturer or service provider, your sole responsibility is to ensure that your product and service development is aligned with customer needs and desires. As a result, demand planning and optimization should ensure that marketing and sales are in sync with customer expectations and demand. Once you’ve determined what customers want and which products are […]


Balancing Direct & OTL marketing

This is a write-up of the B2B Marketing Disrupted event 31st March 2022 hosted by the New Zealand Marketing Association. The second Marketing Disrupted featured both Account Based Marketing and Breakthrough Brands – the balance of the direct and above the line which all B2B marketers know is a true juggling act – but still […]

NZ Tech logo

NZ Tech is our new export story

Many of you know I work with New Zealand Trade and Enterprise. I’ve been doing B2B marketing digital implementation coaching projects with businesses who export. I am delighted to find that Technology is now a sizeable export sector for the NZ economy. The razzamatazz launch was last week, but the reality is in front of […]