We got this question from an SEO agency who works on a client and thought that our answer might be useful to others. These services are mass email sending programs – each has different features and applications. Creative Agency Secrets uses FeedBlitz….. Firstly because they did RSS to email first before others offered the service. […]
https://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpg00Rebecca Caroehttps://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpgRebecca Caroe2014-05-07 09:21:032020-01-24 01:44:55What's the advantage of FeedBlitz over Mailchimp?
Newsletters are an essential form of communication between companies and their stakeholders. More often than not though, those that sign up to a newsletter are (potential) customers who are interested in what you do. Many accounting firms are adding newsletters into their regular marketing activities and we’re here to help you build your newsletters for […]
https://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/2.png281589Creative Agency Secrets Teamhttps://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpgCreative Agency Secrets Team2014-04-28 16:31:532020-01-24 01:44:55The DOs and DON’Ts of newsletters for accounting firms
Vinay Bhagat, TrustRadius Image via CrunchBase We were lucky to find out about TrustRadius the enterprise software comparison site founded by Vinay Bhagat Image via CrunchBase through a search we were doing for clients. As a result, we got in touch with them and secured an interview. Why did you start TrustRadius? We’re trying to […]
We advised a client today about how to make 3 improvements to their proposal ending texts. Writing a descriptive of your service or product and pricing it is only part of the new business development process. It is essential that it leads to a next step to keep the discussion going and lead towards a […]
I was at a networking event yesterday and the Sales Lady from Facebook New Zealand was presenting. She made this statement Google is advertising around intent; Facebook is about demand generation And it started me thinking. Google – yes I get it – the intent is shown by your search string. Facebook’s claim is harder […]
Getting in front of the people you want to sell to is difficult. Hell, we even wrote a how to manual about ways to research and find contact details of people online. GoHachi threatens to make this history with its network-of-networks approach to business referrals and introductory sales. I was an early beta tester and […]
https://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpg00Rebecca Caroehttps://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpgRebecca Caroe2014-02-24 17:50:302020-01-24 01:44:29GoHachi introduces you to new biz dev prospects
Copywriting for new business development involves meeting and starting conversations with new people all the time. Sometimes, you have to write to someone you don’t already know and this is called “a cold” email. I just received this one – and I think it’s quite good. Hi Rebecca, I bet you’re inundated with emails […]
Social Media is the “in” thing. We often say to our clients – where are your customers? If they aren’t using Twitter or Facebook then why bother using it for business purposes? No one really likes discussing death and the topics that surround it – so why would they want to even consider it on […]
https://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpg00Creative Agency Secrets Teamhttps://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpgCreative Agency Secrets Team2013-12-02 16:38:472013-12-02 16:38:47Social Media Marketing For Funeral Homes
QR codes enable website linking from mobile phones. And are a simple way to connect your prospects to your physical marketing materials. They are butt-ugly. Who wants to ruin a nice design with a pixellated image plonked down in the corner of the page? We’ve found easy ways to improve the look of QR. Unitag […]
https://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpg00Creative Agency Secrets Teamhttps://creativeagencysecrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/CAS_Logo_1line_RGB.jpgCreative Agency Secrets Team2013-11-15 15:38:002013-11-12 14:51:40How to make a visually attractive QR code
If you’re looking to keep track of multiple social media pages or for a way to track the success of a campaign you’re running you might want to look at DashThis. With DashThis you add in links to your persona around the web (like your Twitter or Facebook account) and then create a “dashboard” of […]
What’s the advantage of FeedBlitz over Mailchimp?
/1 Comment/in Direct Marketing, Email /by Rebecca CaroeWe got this question from an SEO agency who works on a client and thought that our answer might be useful to others. These services are mass email sending programs – each has different features and applications. Creative Agency Secrets uses FeedBlitz….. Firstly because they did RSS to email first before others offered the service. […]
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The DOs and DON’Ts of newsletters for accounting firms
/1 Comment/in Email /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamNewsletters are an essential form of communication between companies and their stakeholders. More often than not though, those that sign up to a newsletter are (potential) customers who are interested in what you do. Many accounting firms are adding newsletters into their regular marketing activities and we’re here to help you build your newsletters for […]
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Interview with TrustRadius founder, Vinay Bhagat
/0 Comments/in B2B, B2C, Marketing /by Rebecca CaroeVinay Bhagat, TrustRadius Image via CrunchBase We were lucky to find out about TrustRadius the enterprise software comparison site founded by Vinay Bhagat Image via CrunchBase through a search we were doing for clients. As a result, we got in touch with them and secured an interview. Why did you start TrustRadius? We’re trying to […]
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3 ways to improve proposal writing next steps
/0 Comments/in B2B, B2C, Pitching /by Rebecca CaroeWe advised a client today about how to make 3 improvements to their proposal ending texts. Writing a descriptive of your service or product and pricing it is only part of the new business development process. It is essential that it leads to a next step to keep the discussion going and lead towards a […]
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Google = advertising around intent; Facebook = demand generation
/0 Comments/in Lead Generation, Marketing ideas /by Rebecca CaroeI was at a networking event yesterday and the Sales Lady from Facebook New Zealand was presenting. She made this statement Google is advertising around intent; Facebook is about demand generation And it started me thinking. Google – yes I get it – the intent is shown by your search string. Facebook’s claim is harder […]
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GoHachi introduces you to new biz dev prospects
/3 Comments/in B2B /by Rebecca CaroeGetting in front of the people you want to sell to is difficult. Hell, we even wrote a how to manual about ways to research and find contact details of people online. GoHachi threatens to make this history with its network-of-networks approach to business referrals and introductory sales. I was an early beta tester and […]
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Writing a cold email introduction
/4 Comments/in Copywriting, Direct Marketing, Email /by Rebecca CaroeCopywriting for new business development involves meeting and starting conversations with new people all the time. Sometimes, you have to write to someone you don’t already know and this is called “a cold” email. I just received this one – and I think it’s quite good. Hi Rebecca, I bet you’re inundated with emails […]
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Social Media Marketing For Funeral Homes
/0 Comments/in Social Media /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamSocial Media is the “in” thing. We often say to our clients – where are your customers? If they aren’t using Twitter or Facebook then why bother using it for business purposes? No one really likes discussing death and the topics that surround it – so why would they want to even consider it on […]
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How to make a visually attractive QR code
/0 Comments/in Marketing /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamQR codes enable website linking from mobile phones. And are a simple way to connect your prospects to your physical marketing materials. They are butt-ugly. Who wants to ruin a nice design with a pixellated image plonked down in the corner of the page? We’ve found easy ways to improve the look of QR. Unitag […]
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User Review of DashThis.com
/1 Comment/in Data, Marketing /by Creative Agency Secrets TeamIf you’re looking to keep track of multiple social media pages or for a way to track the success of a campaign you’re running you might want to look at DashThis. With DashThis you add in links to your persona around the web (like your Twitter or Facebook account) and then create a “dashboard” of […]
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